We have the thing that rewards a guild for doing runs together, the dungeons m+ raid rbgs what if it also went to players that ran that content in a guild group? If they are in a guild group with that guild, they get a bag of crafting materials with chance of maybe a pet or mount.
The bag and the mount chance depends on the content being ran. Idk it may get people to do more guild stuff together.
they already are incentivized and the last time they were over incentivized they quickly reversed that.
and the last thing this game needs is more people creating guilds, all that does is compound issues in terms of getting enough people for raid teams.
My main is in a very active guild and people still go solo for various reasons. People are always going to complain about pugs because blizzard has in part fail designs in those systems. People going into dungeons should all have one goal if you want to reduce friction.
However, other than working on reducing queue times for dungeons I don’t see a real need to change anything.
Yes, this is how you handle someone inviting you, but I was also talking about how new players might go about finding a guild and applying to it. Just for fun the other night, I opened the Guild Finder on our server, which isn’t heavily populated anymore. I’m aware of the active guilds on the server; i.e., the ones that do enough raiding to show up on WoWProgress in some fashion. However, when I opened the Guild Finder, there were probably 100-200 guilds on it – enough that I began to wonder if I was seeing all guilds, game-wide.
If you’d asked me to guess how many active guilds there were on Uther right now, I would have guessed 30, not a number in the hundreds. Now put yourself in the position of a WoW newcomer who doesn’t understand all the nuances of the guild system, and this person is wanting a guild and using the Guild Finder, and trying to figure out who to apply to. There’s a pretty good chance they might pick a guild that doesn’t even exist anymore.
The Guild Finder needs a revamp. At the very least, the GM of a guild needs to receive regular emails from the game asking “are you still recruiting?” or getting a prompt to go make an affirmative confirmation inside the Guild Finder; if they don’t, then they can’t issue invites until they do that, and/or the guild gets taken out of the Guild Finder until such a response is given. That would at least clean up a lot of the debris inside the Guild Finder and cut down on miscommunication with newer players.
Sorry - I kinda missed the original thrust of your post. Common here in GD lol
I would love it if I could delist this guild in the guild finder. Maybe it is there and I missed it? I’ll check.
You are correct about new players. For them to find a good guild is going to be a matter of sheer luck. Unless maybe they get some guidance from the new player chat, by asking. Most won’t know how to go about looking for like minded people, or what tools are available.
FWIW the new players in the guild I joined, are long time gamers. So they have played other multi-player games, when they came to WoW, they knew to look around. If you didn’t have gaming experience and came it cold I don’t think it would be very welcoming.
Guilds at this point are just letters under my name. Really wish they could do more with them but I literally have 0 faith that they could do anything right with guilds. The last time they tried something community related which was aptly named communities, it failed and they haven’t done with them since.
I don’t know what to tell ya, I don’t know why folks would care if the 1% abused it. I’d rather worry about the general population. Funneling gear isn’t really abusing it either as far as I’m concerned, it’s strategy.
Except the fact that I view a probably vast majority of the population of retail wow to be nothing but selfish people in it only for themselves and only whatever they can get out a situation, and find it harder and harder to believe altruistic people even exist in Retail wow anymore.
Further there is basically no benefits to being in a guild, the guild bank likely isn’t accessible to you at all, the leadership of guilds generally are their own clique that do not interact with lower membership much and being in a guild basically gives you nothing but a name tag and an empty guild chat.
It’s not a fact of me not being social. I’m plenty social in Classic Wow, where guilds feel like they have a purpose. Retail guild are massive just conglomerations of players with basically nearly nothing in common and no one wants to do anything unless it benefits them in some way.
Blizzard has not supported Guilds at all, and at this point even if they started giving guilds perks it likely would only be abused, and few benefits would actually benefit common players in guilds.
This point has already been refuted many times. There are different types of guilds for different types of gameplay.
What you perceive as useless is not what others perceive.
Perhaps from your perspective. So maybe that’s something that needs to change and more benefits of some form, even if it’s not actial items or buffs, needs to be thought out.