Blizzard makes the best female villains

All the female villains in WoW are generally one-dimensional characters and remind me of Rita Repulsa from Power Rangers.


/10char or whatever

All Lilith had to say was “be beautiful in sin” to get her way

She’s way more persuasive than Sylvanas

We’re all not immune to when Mommy calls us handsome


Pants, everybody

Keep your pants on


So thats where alextraza got her look

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Sylvanas is redeemed that is what I saw on YouTube.

They really dont.


I don’t know. Haven’t played D4 or watched the story. Sylvanas story has been pretty bad.
Out of Blizzard stories which have mostly went the same way I’d probably go to Kerrigan as she’s the OG.

Wouldn’t say they make the best female villains but they sure do like to put them more on the forefront.

She’s a fan of Bride of Chucky I see.

Also, Lillith is a babe, esp in that cutscene with the priest ranting about morality.

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Blizzard doesn’t know how to write female characters.


Because garrosh, jailer and bc illidan werent?

Lol fair but that character was pretty cool. XD

did people for get

Why do I love this?


So many of them were good people driven insane. So many.

…I guess quite a few male villains in this game follow that trope too.

Pants are over rated. Pants are oppressive! They contain what yearns for freedom!
Down with pants!
Up with skirts!

We literally just dealt with Sylvanas for 3 expansions. I’m ready for something new. Dragon, murloc, gnoll, naga, etc

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:



bruh she’s been gone for seven months. Talk about a sweaty fanboy

Damn. One look of that and even I am afraid.

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Afraid enough to join the dark side?

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