Blizzard just hotfixed the ability to detect layers using /who command

You can go ahead and open that thread and you will see that issue was addressed as well LOL. OP was multiboxing. There’s other screenshots, not multiboxing, posted afterwards.

Seriously, no one even went through that thread but they are skeptical lol. Love it.

I can attest that Blizzard has fixed a serious hunter pet bug – pets were runaways not due to negligence but because they weren’t gaining loyalty levels.

Fixed as of today.


Blizzard used to be much more forthcoming about exploits and to their customers, in general.

A quick glance at the Stormwind park then, and now (retail) tells a very sad tale, imho…

Yeah, when I have an exploit and I am trying to cover up its effect, I too would say that “this is not a problem”, avoid more people exploiting it, and patch it 1 day later. This is what a lot of software companies do.

If you mean using /who to determine your layer, it was demonstrably false. You could see results including people in another layer.

If you mean using layering to swap layers, that’s not an exploit. It’s an intended mechanic of layering.

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Ok well there’s enough evidence of /who showing different results, for characters situated in the same zone. Call that whatever you want, but the evidence is there and it does not work anymore. The reason in certain areas you would see the same result (for /who and /who z-) is probably due to having only 1 layer. Otherwise, I would like to hear a reasonable explanation on why there were different results.

Helps to read.

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Helps to actually look at examples and see that we are talking about results that are not hitting the “max” of 50 in the /who list. Also you would see that, even if that would be true, we still get the same exact subset and larger set of results.

Do you know what “truncates” means?

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Yes, Blizzard is lying and players trying to prove a point are correct here.

Sadly, I think you don’t… truncation happens when a list is above the maximum length defined by Blizzard. For the /who operation, that is 50. So yes I know, but you don’t. They are not truncating a list of 5 people.

Well, you were given the explanation.

If you want to come up with some conspiracy theory to explain otherwise, go ahead.


Lol I am amazed by some people and how they are just missing information. I am done wasting my time. Look over the examples. None of them get even close to reaching the maximum of 50, there is no reason for truncation. Truncation is an answer for when both lists would be maxed at 50. Anyway, good luck and keep believing corporations. Again, as I stated at the top of this thread, this is not even about “Blizzard is lying” or such. Blizzard tried to minimize the damage, a very standard move by software companies when exposed by an exploit.

Contradicted yourself in the same paragraph.


You are missing the point, again. My last attempt to bring clarifications to you - the point is that I do not rely on what a company tells me, in a situation like this. I went on, didn’t believe OP’s initial investigation, did more along with other players, and reached a conclusion. Meanwhile you here are just like “but Blizzard said so”. Ok.

Because Blizzard is infinitely more credible than you are.

LOL you better be paid for this. At least I hope you play for free.

You’re silly. I like that.

Just for reference, nothing should be credible today. You should do your own investigation instead of blindly believing left and right.

You have absolutely no way of proving your theory is correct without access to Blizzard’s code especially when Blizzard came out and said that method does not work. Talk about zero credibility.

Because Blizzard is the definitive entity of truth. Go ahead please and look up “Insert Big Company Name silently patches” on your favorite search engine. Maybe you will understand why a lot of these companies deny certain exploits (rightfully so).