Blizzard (HELP) with the multi boxing issue

This is directed to no particular server as it is an issue all across WoW and WoW classic at the moment. Multiboxers for those blissfully unaware are people who have many accounts anywhere from 2 to 40+. They sync these accounts to one main account and use a script to play all these accounts at once. As you can guess this can be a huge problem. First lets talk gold. If you have 20+ characters on one realm farming herbs/ore you basically monopolize that profession. Most multi boxers are botted by the way. it simply put means all 20+ of the accounts are on a script to fly around a zone and pick up herbs/ore 24/7. the person owning the accounts logs on every so often to sell off the herbs/ore. Boting is completely against ToS but as we all know in the games current state blizzard doesn’t enforce that. Now. you might think “well they pay for all these accounts so blizzard makes money so its not an issue.” You would be wrong. you see with this basically limitless amount of gold what these multiboxxers do is turn the gold into WoW tokens and turn the Tokens into blizzard balance. What this allows them to do with there now limitless blizzard balance is infinitely create accounts to their computer(s) capability and repeat the process. Using the linked blizzard balance to buy the current xpac and game time. So not only are these cheaters given free gold cap, they also dont pay to play. And then they monopolize professions so us the real players basically cant have a place in a profession market. So i would like to extent this question to blizzard. If Multiboxing doesn’t contribute any money to your company, ruins the in game economy, damages the player base and doesn’t allow for the real players of your game to play the game why not crack down on suspending or banning multiboxers? They are no better than Kick botters in pvp or scripters. Its a blatant and knowing abuse of in game mechanics and is currently in the process of ruining the game. I would like to hear the communities on Multi boxing as well.

Could you use paragraphs at least? Reading this makes my eyes hurt.