Blizzard has made mythic+ dungeons far more toxic

Why do people need to keep blaming Blizzard for for the behavior of other people. Sorry no system in blizzard has to cause people to behave in any derogatory way. Stop acting like a jerk, it is that simple. People these days just love to blame shift.

If you don’t have anything nice to say, than don’t say it. If the system in place really upsets you than stop using it. But let’s be real, everyone is accountable for their own actions…


Have you done castle though? They knocked it out of the park with this raid

  1. You need to find a guild or community, and make friends that regularly run M+. It’s a game changer when you find a good group.

  2. Word of advice, look for “chill” keywords if you’re going to use the LFG tool- those groups are much less likely to be toxic.

  3. Having M+ drop more loot will not get rid of toxic players, unfortunately.

Considering high level keys are harder than raiding, I would disagree. M+ is a 30-45min single encounter that is extremely unforgiving for mistakes. It has more mechanics, and positioning planning than any raid encounter. The experience changes every week. You cannot take a break once you start. Not a single raid encounter lasts even close to that long.


Yep, literally why I quit this expansion. The lack of loot, combined with my class sucking in pvp and just the general nature of feeling like I’m constantly being constrained no matter which gameplay mode I chose had me quit the expansion. I don’t play or sub anymore since last week.

No idea how I’m still able to post but apparently I can.

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Yep to this as well.

I cleared Castle Nathria once on Normal and was like; “bugger it, I’m not doing this every week.” (I usually clear Heroic raids every week).

Game just feels hella unrewarding vs the time spent right now and the frustrations you encounter right now, especially if you’re a melle class - apparently the community has a preception that we suck and are crappy at all content, not an enjoyable experience.

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That’s a great way to look at it!

I love M+. Yes… We’re technically “running the same dungeon over and over”, but with affixes changing weekly, playing with different comps, and the sheer challenge of it, it always feels like a different experience each time.

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Nope, all WQ’s in BFA gave maxxed 420 ilvl only the Emissaries gave 445’s if you had a decent ilvl, and Emissaries with loot were semi-rare. It definitely wasn’t something you could farm however you wanted.

Also nothing was titanforging in N’zoth patch only in the previous patches and those were hyper rare.

I’ve never had much interest in PvP so i cant speak to that. But as far as raids – like I mentioned, wiping doesnt mean potentially blowing the entire raid lockout, forcing everyone to go down to a lower difficulty level before attempting again, or cause you to get fewer drops.

You just pick your raid up and try again, as many times as it takes.

Raid participation in Classic is(was) high.

LOL, no it wasn’t. Most characters never reached max level in vanilla. Increasing requirements for grinding and belonging to the right clique in the right kind of guild to raid brought participation in Naxxramas so low that devs realized they were throttling it to the point where development would be pointless in the future without major changes.

Yeah the M+ loot has something to do with it, but I think the toxicity has more to do with io.

Many people are running dungeons they don’t need any upgrades for, max sidegrades. So if the run isn’t going to finish on time it becomes an effective waste of time to stick around, especially since there is no penalty for dropping group. By sticking around and completing you get a mark on your card that you failed to time the key and it shows up on your recent runs for that instance.

Ban IO, in my opinion, it’s making M+ beyond toxic.

Mythic + is trash, bring us all together again. Make the game challenging, have two difficulties, normal and heroic.

Give us challenge modes dungeons back, remove the difficulty level bloat from the game which will simultaneously decrease the differential between highest and lowest item level, increase player pools for content, and likely educate less skilled players by forcing them to learn with players better than them.

Oh and add back reforging, which you removed from the game for whatever reason.

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its pretty much a straight rip from d3 greater rifts and elite affixes tho

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You definitely get a :heart: for that opening!


F***ing finally somebody gets it.


People still do M+?

I would argue most of the toxicity stems from that blasted timer. If they took those out, it’d be better. Once people don’t think they can make the timer, they’ll bail. Which is frustrating to the key owner if they just wanted that level of loot.

The most exasperating part of M+ is it feels like without fail, the worst player is always the first one to leave.

Spamming them for loot is fine IMO. The spammable loot has always been weaker than mythic raid tier, so it doesn’t really violate high-end progression. Heroic is cleared by top-tier guilds usually Day 1. What i don’t appreciate is the nerf to the amount of loot and that they scaled down its level. It felt like before you could climb M+ by spamming, now it feels like you’re more reliant on the weekly chest for ALL progression (not just high ilvls), which is just stupid to me. It’s why I haven’t bothered. They should have the spammable loot scale the same way as BFA, BUT cap it at like M10, so then most of your loot is coming from the weekly at the higher tiers (and it’s comparable to mythic raid in terms of loot frequency).

False, game designers can make efforts that reward doing hard things and cooperation over fail-fast. Which I believe is the main issue with M+ the timer encourages a fail-fast or succeed approach.

Basically is how they are creating content for everything. Isn’t it?
Honestly, I don’t like M+ since it’s basically a Diablo system, BUT at least in the past you would get something now the trend is:

  • Are we going to time it?
  • Maybe not.
  • Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
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