Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points

Uhm… that was a cutscene?

Looked like a bunch of NPC’s moving awkwardly with dialogue written at the bottom.

Sort of highlights how BfA is a step downward from Legion in terms of quality and production.


Yeah theres 3 types of cutscenes in the game do people not know this? Legion had them too

Sure, but Legion still knew how to utilize each different type of cutscene properly, to the point that the most half-baked version that can barely even be called a “cutscene” was used for the least important story points anyway.

Don’t you think maybe winning Darkshore and Tyrande expressing that her people’s hope is not broken and that they are still proud Kaldorei would have been an event to express in something much better than a half-baked cutscene with unenthusiastic golf-clapping in it?


Theres way more of all three types of cutscenes, in bfa way more than legion had, they obiviously had to pick and chosen its not a perfect world there they can make everything the super nice cgi ones

I’m not even really asking for that though.

Just more proper and better use of them in key important plot points of the story.

I don’t think it was utilized well in this instance, then again it’s a placeholder so maybe they’ll fix it up more but I’m still not expecting anything more than what was presented in this case. I think they should hire good machinima artists if they want to continue trying to make something like these.


It’s actually a joke how the victims of the war got the worst cutscenes ever and barely any story progression while Saurfang got 4 cinematics to show how sad he is because of what he did to those victims.
Even Rastakhan and the zandalari got way better cinematics, just shows where their priorities are and how they don’t care about the Night Elves at all.


At this point I am starting to think you are a horde main that is just trying to make nelf players look bad

Think what you want, you’re the one defending everything blizzard does, arguing with 0 logic and treating the forums like a discord conversation while trying to invalidate every complaint people have brought up about the night elf storyline with your 1 sentence nonsense answers.
You might like everything the night elves had being either destroyed or given to the Horde and getting ignored apart from that, but I and luckily the majority of other people don’t.


im sorry but can they fire Danouser now? they manage to make BOTH factions mad and pissed by their lore and ruin the faction conflict who was a cool side story to happen in time to time, like wrath and cata

why the alliance and night elves should feel bad for attacking horde?

why horde had to be stuck with this pointless war to praise and worship sylvanus like mop never happened? jesus

exactly, and i dread more and more what they will do with shadowlands after this fiasco of expansion


yeah your defs horde, that or you cant read your the one who thinks the horde won, I don’t honey.

Eh no, think they just a passionate fan.

Don’t really need to infer anything more than that, people here just very vocal and passionate about the story.

Near wiping out the enemy is a win and so is getting them as (undead) allies and getting their land.

You’re right I must be Horde when I’m complaining about the Horde getting things from the Night Elves and the Night Elves only losing.

Aside from that I don’t even see how it would matter, there are many Horde players who agree with the concerns people have brought up about the Night Elf story, you’re the minority that disagrees and thinks that everything Blizzard has done to the race including ignoring it afterwards is the pinnacle of good writing.


I don’t really understand why Elesana’s point is hard to grasp. On a surface level the Alliance might of won the battle in the sense that the Horde stood down in Ashenvale and at least for a short period of time during the battle for Darkshore the Night Elves were steamrolling the opposition, but really this is just the affect of winning. The lizard brain remembers this as a victory because if you just take the final components of this series of events then looks like the Night Elves came out on top.

But when you actually dig into the cost of that battle the casualties to the Night Elves are too serious for anything short of, if even, a retaking of Ashenvale on screen to be satisfactory: They were put into a position where they were effectively exiled from their own nation and forced to rely on Stormwind to not starve, effectively destroying the idea of Night Elven independence in any meaningful capacity from the Alliance. No one of real importance was killed by thee Night Elves over their attack on the Horde, you might count evicting Sylvanas as a victory but Sylvanas herself and the Horde rebellion had more to do with that then anything. Their culture was defaced and destroyed, their high priestess no longer believes in Elune and basically had to get an ounce of vengeance by entering into a business transaction with their own god out of desperation, and their own dead turned on them in a fit of nihilism over what a failure their species was.

I am not even happy with the Siege of Undercity and the ending of that had us spiting the Alliance and massacring their army hard enough that Stormwind had to rely on farmhands for the second half of the war. What did the Night Elves get out of the burning of Teldrassil? The illusion of victory for the last portions of the expansion and the moral highground while their infants are literally eaten by super hell?


Exactly! Thank you.


A small, fleeting victory. If it comes at great cost of your own assets, all you’ve done is ensure your enemy is in no fighting condition to continue hostilities and aren’t coming to the negotiation table from a position of strength.

These are both really good things, mind, I’m not downplaying the hand the Horde got at the end of the war, but it isn’t the grand, sweeping victory you imagine it to be. What they have is an advantage that they now have to exploit while the clock is ticking, because it is now a race to replenish the fallen, train them, arm them, feed them and teach them how to make use of siege weaponry, and see who’s ready for war first once the next generation has become adults to replace the members of the previous generation that perished.

Something that will likely not have the chance to come to pass, if the Scourge becomes an active threat again. In that case, the collective biscuits of the world’s forces are about to get thoroughly buttered.

I think everyone can agree though: the NE story (like all of BFA, actually!) was utter trash.


They seldom if ever are.


Bolvar’s statement is in regards to informing the general public, not the super elites.

Night elf poster and a reputation for being extremely cynical. Also excessive.


play a night elf for a few years and it’s easy to become cynical.


playing an elf*