Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points

Yeah, no, I’m done. They had this expansion to sell the story arc to me. I’m not willing to give them another three years to fail to deliver.


I’m not walking back on the necessity of the faction war. But I still need it to be done well.

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It may come as a shock that I am;

A) Not a tribal caveman on a computer that beats myself on my head with a club, enjoys putting crayola up my nose and say proudly; ‘me unga, me only like hurde, rest of story no matter’ and can recognize dog feces where I see it. It isn’t a single, narrow focus on Warcraft that draws me to it, it is the entire package. The Orcs, the Humans, the Night Elves, the Undead, the cosmic powers, the entire shibang. It is of much interest to me as it is anyone else.

B) Not exclusively a Hordeside player. It may shock you that, yes, someone who likes the setting of World of Warcraft would like to explore the story it has to offer in its entirety, which requires playing another character.

Your ignorant traipsing through the forums as if it were a tribal ‘us or them’ environment is infuriating and the fact that I can’t use adult language to express it is a crying shame.

Politely, try critical thought for once.


Formally signed, someone who gives a damn.


Oh. I also have one of these. Yes, I actually care about the Night Elf story. I did more than just observe it in passing. I played through it. I like it. You can imagine why I dislike the expansion that double whammy’d two of my favorite subfactions in the entire game, by grinding their stories into the dirt and blurring them beyond any recognition.


The fact that a story relies on meta knowledge just showcases how trashy a story is. So many people think they lose only to be corrected by someone who watches twitter comments.


now you’re asking the right questions!

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I mean I get what you’re saying about phasing, but it isn’t meta knowledge. You succeeded in all of your quests to undo the Horde’s control. The phasing remained pro Horde because the Horde had way fewer zones than the Alliance did. Blizzard could’ve just let us win. They gave the Night Elves the win instead.

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You’re setting yourself up for disappointment.

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I don’t think it’s really possible to do a faction war story good in a game like WoW. You can’t really establish a definitive winner because you risk irritating half your playerbase which is itself a conundrum because then you leave the other half unsatisfied.

“Oh we win? Cool, can we have these lands to ourselves now? No? Can we destroy the enemy’s capitol city? No? What did we win then?”

I’d be down to see one more if they were willing to allow the Alliance be the aggressive bunch, commit a few atrocities. Horde players could see what it’s like to get kicked in the nuts and denied vengeance while Alliance players could see what it’s like to get smacked with the villain bat and repeatedly told they all suck.

If they can’t do that or aren’t willing, then they need to write Faction War off as a bad idea for storyline and just leave things at Vanilla era cold war and skirmishes.

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This is why I wanted the faction conflict to be ended by a resurgent Black Empire - something that the factions don’t -choose- to set aside the war for, but something that -forces- them to fall back on the defensive, where they can’t reach the enemy faction to fight them even if they wanted to.


both happened to the alliance^^

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They all had a generic name “Darnassus Civilian” and there was more than Night Elves present. I remember Worgen from the three times I ran the event and Amadis pointed out before both Draenei and Gnomes in youtube videos of it.

The only named members confirmed dead was Astarii and her priestesses in the Temple area where the mages were maintaining the portals.

clickbait title

which is weird because I’m pretty sure that all Worgen were saved in Elegy.


“This is fine.” - Blizzard dialogue for a character in the middle of a genocide, never forget.


The book writer and the quest designers were not on the same page.

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When are they ever?


Flashbacks of ICC vs the Cataclysm prequel novel.

End of ICC Cutscene. Bolvar: “Tell them only that Bolvar Fordragon is dead and the Lich King died with him.”

The Shattering by Golden. Jaina: “When are you going to tell Anduin about Bolvar being the new Lich King?” Varian: “When he’s ready.”

Bolvar in ICC: facepalm


Except said orc army and war machines are still there at Mystera’s Post screeching from a tower.

Imagine mistaking developer laziness for “muh horde zones” in old content.

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