Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points

Well… hopefully, but you know my stance on this and similar things…

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That’s absolutely going to happen. They said we’d be Maw Walkers like Sylvanas and not everyone would escape the maw – but that implies that some people will.

Can’t wait to free ghostfang from the maw while not being able to do the same to the civilians that I actually want to free…


well, because it wouldn’t be a good thing if everyone got away from Maw.

In its true function, the Maw serves as a prison for the worst of the worst from the whole universe.

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I mean yeah but my point is we’re saving the nelf souls.

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Actually, they don’t due to a lack of phasing.


The narrative says they do.


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Uh, Azshara was their land.

Well, in a thousand needles they only helped Tauren and in Stonetalon they have regained the position they lost before, which was only a quarter maybe of Stonetalon. So they do not conquer, but only try to keep their land, what belongs to them. So that’s all they do.


Not for the entirety of World of Warcraft’s existence.

I don’t know, I think we will save many, if not all, or we will get an Elune Enrage moment where she simply demands it from Jailor.

On the other hand, we know that Elune is a goddess of balance, and we know that the Shadowlands don’t have their main resource because of the Jailor and Sylvanas, anima, so if the dead are not resurrected, the anima problem could be solved with the souls that are released, and the balance in the Shadowlands could be restored.

but from classic until mop it was :wink:

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No it wasn’t? Go play classic, bro. They had two tents in the zone.

The area that is now Talrendis Point used to just be a tiny camp with night elves and a tauren I think.

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But it was considered their territory, even with so little presence. In WC3 there were even night elf villages that Illidan and the Naga wiped out

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No it wasn’t? It was contested, and had far more Horde NPCs than Alliance.

it was not, Azshara in Classic was almost completely empty, hardly any presence of anything, a little goblin, a little gnome, a little night elf.

But it did belong to the night elves.


It had orcs near the tower.

No, it did not. The mage in the middle had more ownership than the night elves did.

With wrecks of Horde ships off the coast and Nightborne and Blood Elves bent over in forced labor. Meanwhile the skulls of Orcs and Goblins decorate the arcs on rebuilt bridges; while Kodo roasted Bonfires light up the night sky!!!

With a daily quest involving the interrogation of ranking Horde officers by devouring or burning their peers with a Chimera; or stomping them with a Mountain Giant.

Or a daily quest where you fly a Hippogryph to chop/shoot down any Horde Wind Riders and blow up a zeppelin.

It’s time the Alliance start racking up some atrocities of their own; even if they’re covert…


You are a gotdamn monster.

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The catastrophe of “our people can only be repaid with twice as much blood, or maybe three times as much blood! As if you went to Hell! And it was on FIRE! And it was raining Blood! Only then would it be ENOUGH! Maybe not…”


Such thoughts are doomed to failure in this game obviously, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have the Alliance try. Judging by t a few attitudes in the forums, some players would be happy simply to see Alliance nuke Thunder Bluff and make hamburgers out of tauren children.

However, they wouldn’t be a fan of what happens next, since it would most certainly involve a civil conflict between the perpetrators of said atrocity and those who condemn such actions as dishonorable.

Guess which side the Alliance player would basically be shoehorned into supporting. It would end up being some big Alliance Civil War confrontation in form of raid or a ridiculous quest chain with a cinematic resulting in the perpatrators getting removed from power and disgraced.

Horde players have had to stomach that junk twice now. I wonder if Alliance players could tolerate it. At the same time, could Horde players tolerate getting denied vengeance against the whole faction for tauren children getting ground into burgers?

We’ll never know because Blizzard would never go for something like this.