Blizzard giving out free Diablo IV beta and the launch game via tattoos, would you do it for Dragonflight?

Tattoo is free if you get line they are traveling across United States

I saw the post but I’m not from U.S :confused:

Where are you from them they are going some other countries too

Costa Rica, Usually Latam region doesn’t have big events or promotions, I’ll be visiting U.S during August but not those locations.

They’ll be in Miami August 6th

Hahaha I’ll be working :sob: it’s not a vacation trip.

Yikes absolutely not


Would totally do it but I cannot as I leave for the beach a day after and that would be a nono with a fresh tattoo :frowning:

EBOTD or gtfo

don’t go in the water for that day

Part of the reason why I can’t get it sadly, gotta be on a plane on the 24th :frowning: I’d freakin’ love a Necromancer tattoo though.

I do want to get a WoW tattoo, but I wouldn’t do it for a Beta access.

Diablo played a big part of my childhood.

My abusive father loved D1 and D2. Saved his characters to floppy disks incase anything happened to the computer. His obsession was one of the many reasons my mother left him.

I have a planned timeline of Tattoos i want to get of video games and such that corrispond to big events of my life. Daiblo is on thst list.

Tattoo and free beta, boom! Lets do this!!

Tattoos have never interested me. I’m just not interested in getting any, free stuff included or not.

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I thought this sounded like a terrible idea tbh. You know what tho? It is up the person. It is their body, they want ink in hopes of getting a beta key. They are able to do this. As long as the person isn’t a child or a naive teenager.


Whats funny is if you guys actually read what kind of tattoo is it:

they are flash tattoos

wasting a free game for a tattoo that lasts up to 6 days

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I’m an Aussie.

Any special event Blizzard has I automatically get screwed over on.

they are going to be in australia coming september

I’ve got covid.

I like tatoos on my characters, but not myself.
