Blizzard giving out free Diablo IV beta and the launch game via tattoos, would you do it for Dragonflight?

No, will I buy a collectors edition when or should they announce it yes

Diablo 4 will be fun for a little while, at least until PoE 2 comes out.

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Until then, join the serpent king, as family and devour the gods togethaaa!!

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Buy a new truck instead!


You don’t wanna see my Garrosh tattoo?


Would a Jailer tattoo just be nipples tattooed onto your nipples?

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:face_vomiting: Thinking Sunzsu has a Garrosh Tattoo

:star_struck: Thinking Garrosh has a Sunzsu tattoo


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Lillith as a tattoo would be cool ngl

The tattoos they’re bribing with ain’t much to look at for what I imagine a Diablo tattoo being :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Spend hundreds - and give use free advertisement space

We give you - Early access and a $50 game.

Sounds about Blizz

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Depends on what the tattoo options were, if any. If I didn’t like any of them then no.

Uhh… I would get a dragon tattoo, but never would I put a company’s branding on my body. That’s weird.

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After getting a full back tattoo of Warcraft 3 Reforged I won’t be falling for that again.


What about a temporary tattoo instead of a permanent one? That way we can play the beta for 2 or 3 days or until the tattoo wears off.


Hehe that’s good thinking, just pose with the tempo tatt in a tattoo shop

If i get a tattoo it sure as hell won’t be for something as small as beta access.

Does a ‘Jah Ith Ber’ tattoo count?

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My body is a temple so no

I wouldn’t get one one, but if I already had some game themed tattoos I would a Diablo or WoW one for a copy of the game.

This is pretty tame when compared to a previous company asking people to literally change their name to win something game related. I think it was the makers of the Turok series.

Ehh. Literally most of these outside of the Diablo logos are probably doable. I doubt people will see most of those and relate it to Diablo 4.

Ones literally a Black Widow spider.