I am happy for you guys. I do admit to wanting to check out the customization when they hit. Though I think I’ll be keeping my purple hue. I think it’s kinda cool looking.
Also, I do have a question. No one wants to answer me. With the addition of blue eyes to v. elves and b. elves. Do you think this is Blizzard reinforcing the idea that all three elf races are in fact still the same race biologically, or do you think this is more of a thing with Blizzard going "we’re not going to give you H. elves (yet), but here’s kind of a compromise so you can at least get the look of the race you want to be playing.
I don’t, I think it’s purely for customization purposes. I mean, Horde are getting sand trolls which makes no sense unless they give an explanation of some sort. However, it is possible they are. It’s just not my guess.
That said, I’ve wanted blue eyes for Horde for a while, for one character, I think they look cool. I’m happy.
Also, huge congrats to Alliance, I’m really happy for you guys. I know as void elf customization it’s not the most preferable, but it’s better than none at all.
That also said, seeing as Alliance are getting Wildhammer and high elves in Shadowlands, and Horde are getting sand trolls and high elves, my campaign for forest trolls is stronger than ever. Never has it made more sense than now to give them to us, I hold out hope
Fair enough. I’m still of a mindset to consider them physiologically same, but I do think this is more a cosmetic thing. It was more because of a conversation yesterday that had a guy saying that each race was (physiologically) different BECAUSE they couldn’t have the same color eyes.
I am happy for those who will like the compromise, and I take back the fact that I predicted yesterday that there would be no way that Blizzard would ever make any decision on this subject.
Eh the sand trolls could be farraki mercs.
Good luck on the forest trolls. Raventusk are pretty much one step away from being an AR lore wise.
The Farraki tribe was laid waste to by the Horde and would hate it. It’s possible to look at it that way, but with the current state of the lore, it doesn’t make sense they’re becoming playable.
That could very easily change, especially with the Zandalari in the Horde.
just give high elf customs and leave it at that. then the want, and the constant asking is over. it changes nothing and makes a bunch of people happy. its basically a win win.
You having wet dreams on something blizz will not do? Yes it will effect EVERYONE NEGATIVELY, and no i would not move on. Your not getting HE. The most realistic thing you could get is half elves. And that’s it!