Blizzard gives the alliance high elves. Are you negatively affected?

No, far as I can tell, Blizzard is.

I edited it for a reason, I realized I had not answere completely. but allow me to add image proof:


Are you sure you want to use amount of NPCs as proof of anything, specially considering the amount of times you and your friends hold onto the presence of one or two NPCs and claim that counts as “major presence”?


Yes… so the High Elves that were outside of the “full kingdom” don’t count.

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You all need to learn to read my full post.

Edit: You all make it really hard to be on your side, even if I agreed with you. Which, I mostly wouldn’t care. I was just literally giving the responses that Blizzard has given in the past. (I even said as much up top) But sheesh.


Oh, don’t worry, you will get used to them doing that.

I know I have.

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I never made such an argument. You should perhaps try to counter arguments without resorting to straw mans?

God this is the first time I have ever reached the like limit lol

This one thread made me use them all for the first time never knew there was a like limit

Except Blizzard isn’t. If you’re reading off WoWPedia or WoWWiki, those are mostly fanbased or non-canon (There are some exceptions ofcourse).

It clearly has been stated that it is 90% of Quel’thalas population that was wiped. Yes, Arthas destroyed most of Lordaeron. Yes, Arthas destroyed most of Quel’thalas (Dead Scar and Ghostlands tell a better picture of what was destroyed). But Arthas did not travel to all 7 kingdoms of the Eastern Kingdoms just to kill off 90% of all High Elves in existance.


I wish it was a strawman, but I’ve seen it happening so many times and seen many of you (and yes, including you) silently supporting such double standards, that it has become a very sturdy counter at this point.

Actually I’d argue Kul’tirans look vastly more different to stormwind humans than Forsaken do. They all look different but they are all as a race humans. Also all the elf races look different.

There’s two human races
And two races that use to be humans

Oh boy… Numbers again.


That’s fair. I’m trying to find the response about the elf population being too low. That wasn’t something I made up. That was a literal blue post from years ago. I’ll try and find it.

Also, you’re right. Most sites are just fan sites and therefore could be incorrect. However, if I have to choose to trust a fan site with 90+ references to their lore and constant peer review or something said on the forums by a user. I’m going to go with the site. 100% of the time.

Well, actually, they still are. Undead and Worgen isn’t a new race, they are just conditions.

Right but Worgen, Tauren, Highmountain Tauren, Pandaren and Vulpera are all the same race then?

Also all the elf races look different.

Yes the blue eyed High Elves look vastly different than the green eyed Blood Elves, especially in comparison to the portly Kul Tirans, which are hard to distinguish from the emaciated, rotting undead.

Oh hey, you proved the DK right, you’re really not reading whole posts and considering context.



if blizzard adds blue as a human skin color, is anyone negatively effected? speak up now or it needs to be added to the game, cause this logic is idiotic

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I’m sorry but I think I’ve been respectful to you at all times.

You don’t seem to understand that the 90% of the High Elven population that died after Arthas’ attack were only those that lived “in the full kingdom of Quel’Thalas”, not outside of it (ie, Theramore, Stormwind, Dalaran, etc.).

We’re not saying that there is suddenly a major group of High Elves that would justify their inclusion as a playable option (not that it matters though, considering Void Elves are literally a squad), we’re just correcting your statement that it was a 90% of the whole High Elven population around the world that died.


Yeah I know let me try again

2 humans
1 that use to be humans
And 1 that’s half human

I wouldn’t go with Sara’s theory.

Last time I made the mistake of letting myself get into an exchange with her, she was using that exact same argument to imply that the majority of the High elves were not in Quel’thalas.

/waves at Sara :smiley: