Blizzard give us a tank spec

IKR! It’s quite annoying having to gear your alt just so you could be able to tank in this game >:(

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No need for a tank spec. Move on from the subject.

Nope we need one

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Where did you read this? I love elemental there’s no need to “remove” it from the game, ele’s been around since classic wow I say just fit in a forth spec like druid has. not like a tank spec will be added anyway, tank shaman sounds fun so blizzard wont add it.

is that true? historically, adding tank specs hasn’t really worked out that way.

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It makes good sense to add one and we’d be able to play one class just like paladin, monk and Druid. I’m all for it. I’d think about maining a shaman if it could fulfill all 3 roles.

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It doesn’t make sense to add one.

Shaman doesn’t need a 4th spec. We fulfill the roles we need to fulfill now. We don’t even do those roles the best.

No thank you.


And this is your opinion but there are a lot more people that think we should have one. And as the post above yours says

More people would come to shaman we would get more attention

Correct, it is my opinion.

Just the claims of “we should have a tank spec”, “it makes sense to add one” and the like are also opinion.

can you stop with the shaman tank spec nonsense it will NEVER happen.

I just hope blizzard fully fleshes out the specs come 10.0, free of balancing around conduits and systems. I also want enhance to be polished from what it currently is, mainly talking about useless talents and unfulfilling abilities.

If Blizzard does introduce a tank spec I would like for it to be more like gladiator for prot warr back in WoD, where its a talent in the enhance tree that gives them significant defensive upgrades at the cost of dps

We both want Shaman to be in a better place. This being said we can agree to disagree. Many others myself included want Shamans to have a tank spec, and you do not. Again we agree to disagree.

Many others and myself included will keep pushing for this to happen. If this upsets you then that is on you.

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play a tank spec there are plenty to chose from.

and many like me will keep telling you it will NEVER happen.

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I will never get the narcissism of people like you. Instead of just being an adult and ignoring the post, you act as if you have some say in the matter and continue spouting no. Frost DK was also never getting 2H back… how’d that work out slappy?

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Bump for you

Not gonna happen.

On topic, it would also be the only class Goblins could play all 4 roles on. If we needed another reason I just provided the best one in the world.

So far just you and Mad

Fixed that for you. I wrote a whole player design post on shaman tank.

Yes Blizzard add a Shaman Tank spec.

In the beginning of WoW, Shamans had a questline to attune to each element, Earth, Fire, Wind and Water. Shamans currently have a spec for 3 out of 4 of those elements, we are missing Earth!
Please add a tank spec built around the Earth element.