Blizzard Finally Broke their Silence on the DF Crafting System

Crafting Orders and the new profession system is terrible.


My two biggest complaints are as follows.

  1. It has turned it into a gold sink, massively unbalancing the economy. There is zero reason I should ever have to use my mats, and then pay someone 50k to click a button.

  2. There should not be 3 levels of everything. My bags are full of herbs and inks that are 3 different levels of the same damn thing. They take up space and it’s annoying. This was something that should have been ironed out in beta but it’s very obvious that they rushed it through into an “early access” state before the end of the year. I do not want to occupy 3 spots in my bank/bags of the same crafting item.


wow profession never felt this bad since the start, garbage system in my opinion.


Honestly, I wasn’t going to reply to the thread there cause the blue post was essentially just “We hear your feedback but we’re ignoring it and doing what we want like usual” - but some other CC members deciding they wanted to say people like Linaori aren’t allowed to not want to engage with strangers made my blood boil. So I made a large post lol.

The crafting order system is not a success and until they expand Public Orders, it won’t be.

Literally all they need to do is let us be able to specify a minimum quality for public orders and add Recrafting to Public Orders. That’s all they have to do. Scarcity of Crafting Orders would drop dramatically when this occurs as well, killing two birds with one stone.


Needs some adjustments. Yeah.

No. The new system is a quantum leap forward.


Except that’s not what they said, at all.

It doesn’t matter what you think they said, whether through willful ignorance or attempting to score brownie points with the court of public opinion, what matters is what they actually said. Here’s what they actually said, for people interested in the actual context instead of knee-jerk reactions:

“Are the devs sure that the crafting order system is a success?”

The crafting order system is by no means perfect. There are many ways we would like to improve it over time. We have been having many of these discussions internally, as well as listening to feedback from all of you. Since this is such a new system though, we don’t want to make any snap-judgements and make big changes before giving things a chance to settle and seeing how it develops over time.

It has also been successful in providing a new way to for crafters and customers to interact, one which is inherently more social, and when you get to use it, hopefully more satisfying than previous ways to do so! But again, very much not perfect!

As far as the public order system goes, it seems to be working well as an easy way to get something crafted for yourself if you aren’t worried about getting the best quality and want it quickly. This was always its intent. We definitely wish that as crafters, it was easier to find public orders to fill. Unfortunately even though there are quite a few public orders going through the system, given the minimal effort it takes to fulfill a public order and the relative number of crafters around to fill those orders, there will almost never be many orders up an any given time with the way it currently works…they get filled too quickly and easily.

We suspect that as players finish getting their high end crafting gear and complete purchases of other one time uses for Artisan’s Mettle, players will be more willing to use Artisan’s Mettle to guarantee higher quality crafts. That will help, but even then, inspiration will always be a useful way to get max quality gear crafted. The crafting orders system is not supporting this as well as we would like it to, since as a customer, you cannot place an order and know exactly what you will get - you need to rely on a handshake deal that your crafter has the inspiration they promised when attempting to craft items for you.


The new system, as it stands right now, is terrible.

If they had added recipes baseline that go to 100, and specialization was JUST specialization, then I’d agree with you.

However, some professions, like Enchanting, are pretty much stuck at 80ish unless they spend hundreds of thousands of gold and tons of spec. points.

That shouldn’t be the case.

Not to mention unless you do plenty of research ahead of time, using your points the wrong way may make you unable to hit 100 in your profession for months, if not a year.


You actually, unironically think that the previous system was a better one? Cmon.

You could literally make a shopping list, go to the AH for mats and max a profession in 20 min. It was lame af. There is zero game in that.


I’m sorry Mai that won’t fix it at all, and in fact would be choosing a worse situation over a bad one. They took it out during beta on purpose.

I agree right now it is of little use because a customer isn’t likely to risk mats on an uncertain outcome.

If you could specify quality though there is no reason anybody would ever specify less than 5*. This has two fatal problems:

  • a large number of recipes can not be guaranteed at 5*. This is so that Inspiration has value.
  • leveling crafters will never be able to accept a Work Order, which means they can’t ever level, which is a vicious circle that basically locks out all crafters except the ones that are already maxed.

You can specify in Personal/Guild orders, try again.

And for those recipes, if someone specifies 5 star, then the work order goes unfulfilled, logic isn’t hard you know.

Just find it frustrating that the feedback being provided by the community now is exactly the same as the messaging we were sending through during the beta phase. Its not like the pain points were unanticipated (well, other than the late changes such as increasing the skill needed to unlock the final tabs which would have been flagged by testers)…

Immediately jumping to angry retorts doesn’t solve issues. Please take the time to understand what I’m saying.

Of course you can specify in personal and guild. It is assumed there that you are on communication terms with the crafter and they can explain the vagaries of the system. But you don’t have that for public orders. It is stranger to stranger with no communication and with the buyer having no idea what is or isn’t possible.

They will go unfilled with no explanation as to why. Buyer will complain “lazy crafters didn’t do my order!” and then try again, maybe with a bigger tip. It still won’t be filled because it is still impossible. Repeat.

And you didn’t address the fact that this locks out leveling crafters forever, which is the biggest problem.


Ive suggested just removing inspiration on BoP items and adjusting the skill required to hit q5.

When surrendering expensive mats the outcome should be known beforehand by both parties. Mat quality, crafter skill and insights should set the item quality, Not RNG. Otherwise its just McForging again.

Recrafting diminishes this problem but at that point just let it go to q5 on the first try and be done with it.

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They literally are fixing this part in 10.0.5. Complaining about it now is like going into the pvp forums and complaining that DHs are OP or solo shuffle leavers should lose MMR too.

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Idk about “better” but at least it was functional and you didn’t have to read an online treatise published on a third party website to know how to work with it. It doesn’t matter how “good” something is if no one knows how to engage with it and no one ever ends up using it.

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Heck, I’ve yet to see an online source by a third party that makes any sense of this system at all, beyond what I can already figure out on my own. I looked at wowhead and other places before I spent points, and I still feel like I went in blind and now have a harder time progressing than I would have if I’d known more.

Show me when and where they said they’re fixing knowledge or anything else about the crafting system for that matter? By the time they get around to it, if that time ever comes, it would be meaningless because by then we would be swimming in knowledge points. All we’ve gotten so far are empty promises about something potentially being done at an unspecified time in the future.

I mean for crying out loud, they had the temerity to say that “there are hundreds of orders going through the system” yeah no kidding, it’s orders people are putting on their alts so their mains can complete them!

Blizzard are in total denial about how dysfunctional the crafting system and what a mess the entire expansion have been so far.


crafting sucks period.

Please see the post linked below, where they state that they are lowering the requirement on the specialization unlocks. If you will read the section of the post I was originally quoting, you will see that it was referencing the issue where people cannot unlock the leveling specializations in specs until their skill level is maxxed if they choose the “wrong way.”

Yeah, I don’t know. On one hand, I appreciate them taking the time to communicate and to try to do something more interesting with the old stale profession system in the first place, even if the results aren’t great. On the other hand, the lack of details is disappointing, and so is the failure to address the common pain points. It would be nice to hear something about

  • The huge gap between people who hit the ground running on day 1 and/or made “creative use of in-game mechanics” and those playing catch up.

  • R2 - R3 crafts not being viable due to higher rank crafts being available much sooner than expected, making leveling up a profession much harder after week 2.

  • KP allocation issues - be that mis-assigning points, undervaluing the all important inspiration or speccing into something that turned out to not be in demand - and ending up with a “bricked” profession for weeks due to KP caps or renown reqs.

  • Public order system being pretty much DOA. Yeah, there are some orders coming through, but you have to sit at the crafting station all day refreshing the order page to have a shot. They kind of touched on this, but barely so.

I guess it’s wait and see.