If your going to tell me that bots pay for subscriptions and don’t just buy tokens off the AH your crazy.
I dont know if I feel comfortable going into the details on the WOW forums… but I dont actually think its cost effective for botters to buy subscriptions with gold, unless they have more supply than demand.
These guys are farming millions and millions of gold a day lol you think 120k is anything but 3 hrs of farming l??
Its opportunity cost. Assuming they’re able to sell all the gold they farm, they can sell 120k for $20 (hypothetically,) or use it to save themselves money on a sub they could get for… theoretically, as low as $2.
buying token our still cost $$$ our gold is no diffrence
From the amount of money gold sellers could be theoretically making you’d think blizzard would have the incentive to hire a few in game mods per server to monitor hotspots where bots have heavy traffic and just manually ban them but that’d be done already if they actually cared.
There’s no profit in banning bots because there’s no reason to put people on it to ban them. They ban them when they need an influx of money from new bot accounts being made.
Besides the out of control gold prices and scarcity of mats is the players fault. There was layers, layers provided more mats, players cried about layers now there’s fewer mats. The players created the problem, not blizzard.
Besides gold farmers got families to feed and covid hit them hard too.
They literally have mods right now who literally do exactly that. Literally.
I know you’re joking but… I imagine like most online and gaming focused/adjacent industries it was actually probably a huge boon for them.
Everything went up in value since the lockdowns so yeah their business is probably booming. I gamed with some Gold farmers in vanilla. The ones who aren’t bots are just regular people. I knew a couple who sold gold to help pay for schooling, one guy was basically his family’s income. 20-100 bucks can be big for some of these people depending where they live.
Min wage in China is $5-11 per DAY depending on where you live… So yea… $5/hr (hypothetically) boosting in SM is probably pretty solid