Blizzard created its own server problems without Dungeon Finder

People can go 1-70 in less than 30 hours.
That’s 3hrs a day for 10 days.

Why should I be burdened by bad players? Of course I want control. That however, has nothing to do with why RDF does not belong.

Nice try, 2/10 effort. Try again

It literally belongs. Whether or not you liked it or not. Its literally part of the original WOTLK.

And nobody is stopping you from having your control over your party whether RDF exists or not. Since making parties manually by spamming in chat is clearly what most people want right? But no, the truth is you just know that RDF is superior and so people will use it over your inferior method and with that you know you lose your power and your superiority complex begins to collapse.


You had the first two correct it wasn’t in there before shouldn’t be now I agree!
BUT it was in the version of Wrath we are getting and has every right to be expected to be there.

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You are just embarrassing yourself with your childlike demeanor. It’s like a kid being told they can’t have a candy bar so they get all huffy and puffy and throw pitiful insults out at a wall hoping one might stick.

I actually kind of pity you, you failed to become an adult.

And i like i told many people the version of TBC we had multiple things in it that were forced to wait on phases

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If Blizzard told us “you’ll get RDF when it reaches the phase is came in originally” then this conversation probably wouldn’t be happening. But you’re acting like thats what Blizzard has said. No, what Blizzard has said is we aren’t getting what we should be getting and instead gave us an inferior tool and told us its what we are getting.

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You are the one frantically responding to every post lol


I am sorry its late here and I can’t sleep so that could be it… but I am having trouble trying to see what the association was between my post and yours lol care to explain for the dumb (me)

You say that, yet if you look. I went 4-5 days without responding to this thread. I’m merely on the forums currently.

Try again cinnamon bun

So… like the people who don’t want RDF which is part of the product? Demanding it not be added… because its not what they want?

Oh this is ironic.


I’m not changing anything, you are the ones being told there is no RDF.

You are the ones asking for change.

You might want to stay in school

No RDF is literally part of Wrath. Its YOU who demands it not exist. You are the one who wants to change the product.


Oh? Do tell how I’m asking? I’ll wait.

Did I call blizzard and say “ hey blizzard, don’t add rdf”?

Nope. They decided it was correct all by themselves.

Now here you are. Crying on the forums, begging they change the game.

Oh, the irony.

I’m sure you’ll come up with some half baked response on a level equivalent to a 3rd graders temper tantrum. Sadly, I am going miss replying to it until tonight, maybe even tomorrow.

Have fun

Are you living in an alternate reality where RDF wasn’t a part of Wrath? Am I being pranked?


See above post. Ta ta

Its a shame they don’t give numbers any more, i’d love to know how many play TBC, mostly Because LFG bulletin Board has 2,457,597 Downloads 2.4 million people want something better than what was in game, and I bet still do.


Ummm… You can easily tell the others aren’t me by the achievements. Nice to see you get owned again. :rofl:

They aren’t the idiots. The people that think dungeon finder wasn’t in Wrath are.


Agreed RDF would solve a multitude of problems its going to happen


People just don’t want to be playing retail in WOTLK, its why most people chose to play classic to begin with.