Blizzard caused this

They really were though. Faerlina was the streamer server and was a mega server from day one. The other two have been mega servers for over a year now. Let’s stop pretending like they became a mega server over night. You knew and had ample time to get off it.

My first benediction character was rolled day 2 of classic when I hit an 18 hour queue on herod…

Yeah not removing the mega server lock was a mistake as for PVE to PVP I called this a few times, the one after it happened after seeing repeat cry for PVE to PVP was here:
Everyone on pagle is jumping to benediction now - WoW Classic / Wrath of the Lich King Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

Where I said way back then:
“At this point, I’m mostly just looking forward to seeing the crying over the queues in pre-patch or with Wrath from these entitled types because unless Blizzard changes something drastic with their code there will be 4-hour queues.”

I took the free migration to Sulfuras, and they let it happen again and I’m sitting in an hour+ queue on a realm that 2 weeks ago was dead.

This is 100% blizzards fault, quit defending terrible decision making.

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It’s a good thing they’re offering free migrations from Sulfuras too.

It’s not Blizzard’s fault you decided to play on Benediciton. You chose Benediction of your own free will.

I never blamed blizzard for benediction. Aquire an ounce of reading comprehension. The fact that they let the dead free transfer realm, turn into another benediction is what is an absolute joke.

Their solution to a realm with queues, is to transfer to another realm and do nothing as it gets to the point of needing queues.

Gotta have 0 brain cells to not understand how stupid that is.

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I blame you. You trolled too much and blizzard let the servers fill to spite you. Now we all suffer. Thanks

Sulfuras is not even close to another Benediction. Nice try. Complete false comparison.

Are you not aware of the idea of dispersion? That’s what they’re doing. They’re dispersing the player base across many different realms. You may want to look it up before calling other people stupid.

Blizzard is literally the only ones with factual data on the realm population. They mismanaged Benediction horribly. They never addressed balance and let everyone dog pile onto it. They didn’t lock it before enabling pve to pvp transfers and gladly took a LOT of money letting it get even worse. They get 100% of the blame, they could have stopped this madness at any time.

The people that went to sulfurus, joined guild, bought guild banks and tabs, and now a month later they are supposed to move again? Nah bro, that’s not on them…

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If you think the decision to continue to let players transfer to a new realm until it has multiple hour long queues, instead of stopping transfers and choosing a different realm is good decision making than you’re not even worth talking to.

Benediction overpopulation is player driven.

Sulfuras overpopulation is blizzard driven. The second they got to the point where sulfuras could have a queue. They should had switched transfers to a different realm.

Instead they did it way after the fact like they always do. There’s no excuse no matter how deep blizzards balls are in your throat.

Players who choose to help a company by leaving over populated servers, shouldn’t be punished by their new server becoming overpopulated as well.

People pay monthly to play the game. They’re not letting you play the game. I took every step they told me to take, and still can’t login.

You’re a joke.

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Then why did the get rid of all those realms a few months ago? This is why Grob is overcrowded -

us.forums.blizzard. com/en/wow/t/free-character-transfers-for-burning-crusade-classic-realms/1130929

This is the graph of raiding characters on Bigglesworth. What happens the next 2 weeks?

ironforge .pro /population/classic/Bigglesworth/

Should the remaining players on Bigglesworth have just accepted not raiding for the next half year in order to avoid a queue now?

Blizzard controls the rules and they use that to create this situation for a few reasons. For one thing its good PR to give the impression your game is so popular people can’t log on even if we all know it was artificially created by Blizzard over the last year. More importantly, they know they will get a lot of money in transfer fees back to the mega servers when the queues shrink / disappear and the low pop servers don’t allow raiders options or guilds can’t recruit.

Right, so if I don’t agree with horribly ill-thought out ideas, I’m not worth talking to? And just so you know, Benediction has the option to migrate to multiple realms, not just Sulfuras.

It’s player driven because players do not have to stay on Sulfras, You are CHOOSING to.

Translation: I have no proper argument so I’ll instead spew a vulgar ad hominem. do you really think that’s convincing anyone?

Let’s be clear, you chose that to help yourself. No one cares whether or not you decide to stay in the queue or leave. It’s your decision alone.

You should really read the EULA you agreed to. You pay monthly for ACCESS to the servers, which you have. You just have to wait in a line for it.

I’m not the one without a proper argument here.

Bull. They offered a free transfer FROM a large server to the one I’m on. And now, this happens. This is a tremendous scam and attorneys need to be involved.

Players caused this. Specifically the players that went awol at the end of TBCC and then came back. Blizzard can only cap servers based on active players, not total players.

guess what… they know when someone resubs

The megaservers were fine when ppl went inactive. There was no reason to lock them.

we can see that this response is untrue

Yeah bro it’s a player driven problem that Blizzard made you transfer to another realm without a population cap and now it has a queue. Just drop your new friends and community and transfer again.

Shill! /20char

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