Blizzard cant do mysteries anymore

We still don’t know what is Elune.

Or what is the consequences of the Night Warrior Ritual.

We don’t know what Xalatath is up to.

I think they explained Sylvanas sudden gain of power through the Jailer because people were already too mad. People weren’t like: How is she that powerful? Will we see why in the future?
People were like: Sylvanas is too powerful, this is bull****

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Pandarens will start the third faction, the Jade Empire, as a way to destroy polarity and achieve true balance. Default color is green. :slight_smile:

I might be wrong, but I have a theory on that.

People say that Bolvar became “Lich King” (Blue glow) to tap into more powers and try to defeat her.

I think it is the opposite. He fought her to lose, put on a good show, and he used the “Lich Powers” and lost because he knew she couldnt end him, but he wanted her to do what she did, because he could not do it himself.

And given the speech of the new DK intro, it is most likely he at least knew what was coming.

Pfft. Yeah they do! I’ve got a perfect mystery for you right here: I’m still subbed to this game.


“Blizzard can’t do mystery” but we still don’t know the details behind Sylvanas’ bargain with Helya, or the extent of her plans in the shadowlands.

and yeah, even as somebody who likes Sylvanas- her just walking up to the Lich King, kicking him in the nuts, and punching him in the face- it’s fun to watch, but after the adrenaline wears off, it feels cheap. One-night-stand cheap. I feel like they needed to provide some justification for that.

Blizzard’s issue is they used the “trust me” card and the “wait for the big payoff” card one too many times and fumbling it. This expansion cost them years of built up customer trust. They will need to earn it back if they want to play up the long game card again.

I think they would be best served by keeping long game rewards and reveals to the background for an expansion or two and cleaned up the messes they made in a more direct manner to rebuild the trust and the flow of the game.


I just think Anduin has a stronger willpower than the average priest. I don’t doubt Velen can do the same.

Their way of doing a “mystery” is by setting up an inconsistency indistinguishable from generic bad writing, having no character act like anything is amiss, spend years telling the players to “wait and see” while no character still acts like anything is amiss, until finally revealing a justification apropos of nothing but acting like it was a payoff to something. Then they pat themselves on the back for how effective their cunning ruse was.

I would be perfectly fine if Blizzard “can’t do” that anymore.


A bigger plot twist is that Nathanos could hold his own against Malfurion and Night Warrior Tyrande, well technically he didn’t so much as “fight” as he watched us fight the empowered Valkyre (who are likely Demi gods in their own rights) and then walked to his boat to escape.

Well, in BfA, they tried to make a mystery. The problem was that they simply were trying to tell people it was a mystery when the truth was what everyone thought it was from the start. So they just pissed people off.


The Mystery Box in its final form.

Shapeless as a Shoggoth

Correct, the bfa mystery was just a lie and they tried to cover it, despite that made the situation even worse.

The Mystery Box appeared in its final form a long, long time ago; it’s just that none of us realized it at the time.

I think the Mystery of Elune has been an enduring one, and it has grown layers, and it remains a mystery. It is one many people enjoy, to the point that I read many posts hoping it remains a mystery.

Which I think at least says something about it being an enjoyable mystery for the fan base.

I also think Helya’s Bargain with Sylvanas remains a mystery, as well. We know little about the specifics, and can only attempt at interpreting it.

Sylvanas apparently has been in league with the Jailor before she met Helya. What did Helya want in return? Sylvanas most likely ignored her end of the bargain. How is this all going to play out?

I agree. With a wave of her hand, Jaina dispersed the Blight that had been a pretty conclusive finish for Sylvanas’s campaigns.

No one bats an eye at Anduin “Broken Bone Song” Wrynn running around like a Paladin in full Plate, hammering Trolls into dust, and making mile wide Holy domes.

Sylvanas’s power ups make as much sense as anyone’s, but people have a problem with her for various reasons. Problems rooted more in personal taste than some objective story criticisms.


Likely not as grand as folk want them to be, but stories exist well and strong. Onyxia, Deathwing, and N’zoth all had excellent mysteries tied to them. But Sylvanas feels like a complete waste of time. There’s no progressive story to allude to her new master. They’ve failed to convery her motives and change of personality.

Garrosh, as poor as he was handled; at least had a strong purpose and dedication to his goals. To see him corrupted with power is at least something we all saw coming with reason. Sylvanas betraying everything and suddenly trying to break death? Where the heck did all this come from?

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Something I took note of in recently doing these quests again on my other Alliance characters is Nathanos had two stacks of a buff called Val’kyr’s Boon, and part of the tooltip with the two stacks was “Maximum health increased by 100%.”

On some of my alts I was able to get him down to 1 HP left, though obviously you can’t actually kill him. Nonetheless, because of the above, without the Val’kyr Nathanos would have literally been dead nearly twice over.

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That buff also says “Damage done increased by 100%.” Meaning with two stacks of the buff, his damage was increased by 200%.

So 200% damage increase and 100% maximum health increase, translated into story means he was also pretty boosted up the wazoo during that fight.


The funniest part about that is Malfurion and Tyrande also got the Mortal Combat buff, which had the tooltip of “Damage taken from outsiders reduced by 99%.” Which went even beyond what the tooltip said, as for some reason it had the funny affect in-game of making all of Nathanos’ attacks against them register as “Miss” so it didn’t look like he could hit them at all, and 200% of 0 is still 0.

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I feel like the only real difference is that back then answers didn’t exist, but now they do.

By contrast, in Dark Souls, there ARE answers for a lot of questions–they’re just very well hidden in the game.

So while Classic felt more mysterious because of the lack of answers, I’m not sure it was really much better set up from a mystery pov.

Whiiiiiich I also think is probably fine, because tbh I don’t feel like deep mysteries are really a core part of WoW’s intended appeal.

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I mean yeah, that kinda flows naturally. The less answers there are the more mysterious the feeling will be. Though someone pointed out I think Onyxia, and even the Dark Brotherhood were kind of cool set ups.

With Dark Souls I feel like the answers themselves are still pretty vague and simple. Which makes it a great game. I would love for a game like that but using WoWs setting since I love WoW aesthetically (the night elves, the trolls, the orcs , the lands they inhabit etc), but tbh the actual rpg and story elements are incredibly subpar when it comes to really hooking me in.

Maybe I just like there to be significant space left for my imagination to run wild in video games, since I feel while story is important, the way one experiences a video game is different than reading a book or movie, with the emphasis being much more on the fun one has in the action and exploration… even in an RPG which is suppose to be more story oriented as a genre.