Blizzard cant do mysteries anymore

Jaina. Any blood elf could easily call for her head. Actually, I really liked it when we were rescuing Baine, and a blood elf showed up and was like, “Vengeance time.” I was like, “Yeah! Call her out!”

And we’ve totally asked to have a more interesting narrative. The Alliance feels weak and passive. We want to be active and, yes, even violent (it’s Warcraft, after all). We’re distinctly aware that the “villain-bat” isn’t fun at all, and we’re careful what we wish for, but I think most of us would be totally okay with giving the Horde more of our characters to hate. It’s why we hate “Crying King” Anduin Wrynn being our mascot. Unfortunately, that stuff is kinda out of our control.


I guarantee you, if Blizzard had given Blood Elves to the Alliance in the first place, there wouldn’t be a single person today pitching a fit because the “Blood elves should have been a Horde race!” It was a decision made because of OOC faction-balance, not lore-friendly or faction-aesthetic, reasons. Which is why there’s so much disjunction there.

Additionally, as I’ve said recently, I’m furious the Nightborne were given to the Horde, but not because I dislike the Horde. (I mean, as an Alliance-homeboy I kinda do, but like… Prior to BfA, it was the was begrudging respect of any rivalry.) It was that my Alliance character saved Suramar, I became emotionally-attached to Suramar, and then the Nightborne turn around and helped burn my home down. It’s a sense of betrayal. I’d have totally understood Horde players being upset if the Alliance got them instead. In an ideal world, they’d have become playable, but neutral. But, if they have to pick a faction, I do agree with the Horde because, stealing from Aviala again…

As for the rest…

I’m not going to apologize or try to explain things for which I have little context. But, I will say that if the message was, “Alliance players want the Horde’s characters all trampled”, then I don’t believe that to be the case. I will extend a generic apology for that sentiment. At least I’ve never meant it that way. Legit, I just want Alliance-side Nightborne, come on Blizzard and vengeance/retribution against Sylvanas in any way.

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