Blizzard brags about 120k banwave on mass DK bot issue persists affecting the game worse than ever

The title says it all, do a who search on DK’s on your server, chances are a good number of them are DK’s, with often gibberish names, they typically sit in dungeons like botanica, and sethekk halls, but they have spread everywhere, youll now see them at almost every instance in the game, farming raw gold, since they can just solo content apparantly, and its also apparant a lot of them are also using hacks, accessing areas they shouldnt and possibly farming content we have no idea about yet, blizz has done almost nothing about it for the entire duration of wrath and its only because of streamer attention they begun to pretend like theyre actually making an effort to rid the DK bot plague. But its clear that was never their intention, and with the new take-over at microsoft, they want to milk the game for all its potential revenue, and maintain a good PR when put in the limelight.

It’s truly sad to see a once beloved company become so insidious, /spitting in our faces, while lying to us and pretending they offer the real, genuine version of the game, while shutting down the communities who harbor classic’s true spirit, its true corporate greed and its sad most people have normalized gold selling because its difficult to compete or get ahead with crashed prices of all AH goods, many people resort to handing their hard earned cash over to foreign entities often from countries with oppressive regimes, while blizz puts out these announcements bragging about 120k accounts, they know they are exploiting us, they know they are lying to us, they know we know that, yet they still continue to gaslight us into thinking “daddy blizzard is finally back”

but unfortunately… daddy blizzard left for smokes a long time ago.


It doesn’t matter how many they ban as long as people still buy gold. Get rid of gdkps, and the gold buying will dry up. No demand means they quit supplying. Easy.


the only issue with that is it would severely handicap or limit the game, and would be nearly impossible to implement, due to loot distribution, chances are, GDKPs would just become more underground and resort to real cash payments, while making it frustrating and annoying for guilds to distribute loot fairly, and everyone always talks about gold selling being the main cause, but the issue is directly linked to botting, since it actually makes it impossible to make financial gains relative to the server’s economy, inflation of total gold ingame, and crashing AH prices to ridiculous lows.

RWT has been an issue of MMO’s since their dawn, and unfortunately its here to stay, and people will find a way around to get what they want, regardless of whether its allowed or not, it doesnt mean blizzard should do next to nothing about the rampant DK and pally bots, and there is no ‘easy’ solution, if there was, it would have been solved a long time ago.

Dealing with the issue has basically always been the great battle of fighting bots and RWT without being too lazy as to resort to ‘easy’ solutions, which end up limiting, restricting, or otherwise reducing the overall experience of all other legitimate players.

I get it - you want to buy your gear instead of play the game.


Gdkp best pug system


Personal loot said hi. And it was not liked lol.

it did remove gold for gear however by and large. The whole raid needs to be geared to be able to trade said item basically. you can’t charge for bow drop. 2 hunters in raid. One is getting the bow, the other is not. Gold can’t change whose hands the bow goes to.

Now someone will say well but retail has carries. Yes it does. That is for AOTC/CE/Raider io stat padding. Since people care way too much about that a raid requirement to raid, imo.

So the moral to that story is no matter how much you try to kill this; people will find Some reason to charge gold for runs lol. And people will pay it.

The ‘community’ cried about one of the best tools for leveling RDF and Blizzard said okay, no RDF, but we’ll give you free DKs, free mounts, gold, tons of boxes with pots and other items instead.

You must not have played back in the day because multi-boxers, flying hacks, immunity hacks, griefing, and many other issues were as problematic as low level dks are. So your ‘it’s truly sad’ comment doesn’t really hold much water; you might say it’s as weak as an arms warrior dps in Naxx.


At least a few, I would guess.


Thats the biggest problem here.
A bot on the server i play on would need around 5 days of raw gold botting at most to pay for its game purchase + monthly subscription.

More and faster bans of bots could raise the RMT price of Gold, and thus would lead to more bots banned, but more newly created, since the time to get into the profit zone would decrease aswell.

The only way to fix this would be banning bots before they can make a profit, which is pretty much utopia, or would be a system that is so strict, it also would hit regular players aswell.

Other workarounds come with their own problem.
Like reducing/removing the amount of Raw gold from drops/vendoring in dungeons.
This would obviously impact botting a lot, but also all regular players.

Lop yep, the most superior looting system for pugging. Gotta love the saltiness of the haters

Fixed for accuracy.

haha. so funny. pay to win n botting for gold. u r not wrong, big problem.

botting is a huge problem in da game. it does feel even worse than before. y do people bot? for gold?

da way dis operation works is dat gold operations hire people to farm n run bot accounts. typically from countries dat have lower cost of monthy subscriptions, like venezuela.

buying da gold from da farmers/botters at whole sale prices, sometimes employing them with a weekly pay check or housing if dat works more in da gdkps favor.

da gold is dumped into a randomly named guild bank. da buyer joins da guild on an alt n is given da appropriate rank to withdraw certain limits of gold they have purchased.

take a look at dis guild asking for da gold cap to be raised.
Gold cap too low . plus da same guild asking for nerfs Nerf Ulduar.

haha. here is a photo of a guilds guild master telling buyers in da gold selling discord how to get priority spots in da gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. green is gdkp leader.

imgur. com/a/yboW7Pw

a guild officer dat also sells gold on a discord while also running a gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discords.

imgur. com/a/YdnNCOj

screenshot of dat same guilds gdkp discord promoting da same gold selling discord. haha. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. yellow is leader.

imgur. com/a/GyQcgZf

dis one gold farming operation had 45,000,000 gold sold in tbc classic with da price of 12 usd dollars per 1000 gold.

540,000 usd real life money earned through one gdkp selling gold to people. no one can say dis does not ruin da spirit of classic n promote pay to win culture. too much gold in da game from bots.

think about all da other gold farming operations on da classic servers. dis is just one example.

u see not only bots in da bgs. also in instances n da open world. big problem.

haha. so funny.


Are you saying that not having RMT would severely handicap or limit the game?

You mean you fixed for saltiness.

Today I learned that a good number of DKs are DKs.

Anyone know if this applies to the other classes?

Are most druids druids? What’s the breakdown on priests that are warlocks?


With them announcing that they’re going to be reinstating the level requirement on making Death Knights the botters probably made thousands of accounts so that they have a fast track to 80.

You’re going to need to wait til ICC for any improvement specifically from DK’s which is sad to say really.

Priests try to be Warlocks it’s called shadow form.

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It’s not the fault of GDKP participants or leaders.
It’s a pretty neat system imo.

Fault lies with Blizz for not doing their due diligence to combat bots / gold selling.

Now the economy is flooded with dirty gold and fubar.

Funny my subs out and i quit this trash bot infested game weeks ago just dropped by to see nothings changed with the bots LOL

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