Blizzard balancing

To be fair, every spec of every class complains a lot unless they are clear best. Even then they complain if they get the nerf bat.

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Blood DKs right now.

Pretty much.

The class forums are this hilarious pit of tears where every spec is somehow the worst in the game.

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This is the issue.

For every player that plays one spec because that’s the spec they enjoy, unless it happens to be the anointed one for the moment, they will be fighting with the horrible feeling of no matter what they do they will always be second class.

This is my main. A cat at 270+ iLevel with the 4 piece. Vast majority of my effort is put into this toon. For a cat my IO is good enough for top 1000 in the world and can parse high enough to make it to the first page on warcraft logs for a feral for a dungeon at that level.

I just started playing a survival hunter. 250 iLvl, no tier, 236 weapon, not even 80 renown yet. And I’m starting to get close to what I can do on my cat while barely knowing what I’m doing on my hunter.

What am I supposed to think about that? How is that even remotely respecting the time put into my main?

I haven’t played feral in SL but I mained one in legion so I have a lot of sympathy. They have the same problem now that they had in legion.

Objectively speaking, what kind of buff do you think would be fair? I know 15% across the board for pve is big, but from what I’ve seen it wouldn’t put them close to top aoe and would make them very strong ST on movement heavy fights…but I feel if they have weak aoe they should pump ST and right now they aren’t even top 1, 2, 3, etc for ST.

I think they need to be aiming for within 10% in all content. In raids there seems to be some cover with the fights being different enough that most specs will have their boss. But M+ is just different degrees of the same damage profile.

There’s this ( link below ), and I did one for 9.1.0 as well. One thing you see is survival moving from 17th, to 10th, and I’m guessing it will be first or second this tier.

This raises the suspicion that they’re intentionally using balance for goals other than balance. It’s not that they can’t balance things, it just they have misguided goals other than balance.

I think this is one of the biggest corners mythic+ puts them in.

Raids have all these damage profiles that encourage class and spec diversity (single target, execute, stacked cleave, spread cleave, burst aoe, sustained aoe). Some of these is fight to fight and some phase to phase within the same fight.

Mythic+ is, like you said, various flavors of aoe with a little bit of single target on tyrannical weeks.

Feral needs some love there, and when their other dps spec is balance I feel it makes it even harder on them. Feral should at least get treants I feel to help with mythic+ utility.

Gotta find the right balance between Boomkin and Firemage. That’s the sweet spot.

I think the problem revolves around player skills. Saying that a spec is underperforming can fall flat when someone at Blizzard is pulling huge numbers using the same spec, but because they have a better understanding of the intended rotation.

There is also the class fantasy element. Some classes were designed for higher group utility or survivability while others were intended to be glass cannons. Rogues and mages are pure dps and don’t offer much outside of that, so they were envisioned as being the highest damage classes. Other classes with better armor or alternate group roles like tanking or healing have historically been lower damage classes to offset their greater survivability/utility to ensure there are pros and cons to all of the classes.

While I understand where you’re coming from…and recognize the difficulty that raiding can create when trying to balance both M+ and raid…but are they able to create changes just for raid and just for M+? I don’t even know if I like that ‘solution’ because it’s very inelegant.

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