Blizzard add a new forum section

+1 :ok_hand:

What the hell is an lgbt customization?

Just mute them
If you don’t want to see them

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I agree with the majority of your statement … except the quoted section. There are not just 4 or 5. There are 4-5 NEW threads everyday to add to the previous 4-5. At one point in the past few weeks there were 12 just in the first few scrolls … yes I counted them … That is the point I started muting anything with a lgb title. It is the only answer to the current situation cause it’s overwhelming.

I agree, make an elf section while you’re at it.

Actually this should be be done just not in the way op wants it. We need to bring back the off topic forum, it acted as a containment board even though it was a dumpster fire of a board.

deleting all the threads is the solution.

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Just mute the threads, I did, feels like I’m reading a blizzard forum again.