Blizzard abandoned pvp?

I don’t understand how blizzard can go this long neglected pvp just ignoring everyone and everything to do with PvP? Demon Hunters running rampant so OP compared to other classes they won’t nerf it or just buff other classes to make them on an even playing field… Oh and now there are BoTS yes Bots at 2400+ solo shuffle and Blizzard has done nothing? Give us some love blizzard anything just do something.


Better luck next season/xpac.
They are clearly preparing for 10.2.6 and doing no balance passes atm.

Well… Feels more like they took my favorite dog to the farm for me.

That’s fine if they just don’t care I guess just keep losing more subs due to the fact blizzard neglects pvp players.

I agree, but there’s nothing we can do.
Fighting a DH is pain atm.

And fighting AS a DH sucks because I hate the sigil meta.


Funny post, Blizzard never cared for PVP to begin with.

I’ve given thought to mucking around with my DH in PvP just to see if it’s actually as PvE-PvP easy as people make it out to be, but after the minimal amount of SS I’ve done this season just slowly making my way to 1800 for set I’d honestly be disgusted with myself for playing a DH.

But hey, at least you can still manage wins against DH in Shuffle. Sometimes.

Yes they certainly did! I’m doing my best to get them to fix it right now over on this thread invoking aide from our Community Council, for anyone interested. The thread started out about ending Premades for Epic BGs and Tuning them all, and evolved into a post about all issues plaguing WoW PvP since there have been so many for so long. This is hopefully going to be addressed in a way that Blizz can’t ignore. I’m hoping to rally upward of 10 Council members if possible to get these issues addressed.

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