Blizz updated their AV premade fix

Horde queues never came close to 3 hours, or even 2 hours. I really dont know where that myth started, but I only ever saw it repeated by alliance.

Any screenshot you saw of a 3 hour display was from someone that bugged their queue or was playing WSG between AVs and pausing their queue making it appear longer than it was.

1hr 15 minutes was the longest I’ve ever seen it get.


That doesn’t change either way, so I don’t really understand the point of your comment.

and some are predicting it will go up, not saying it is thats why i put “1-3”

Meanwhile later in the thread … "yet my timer only said 1h 10m "

And every mention of AV queues seems to ignore how much shorter WSG queues get at the same time.

you said something about honor, so im saying the longer waits must have to hurt with getting more honor, and by me bringing up jobs if you only have so much time in a day you may not be able to even do one.

So if I understand correctly, your predicate is a straw man you made up? Let’s clear that up real quick; it’s wrong.

About some of y’all having jobs or…?

I’m not going to be an enabler of gaming the system just so I can have shorter queue times. The end doesn’t justify the means.


They’re just slapping bandaids on the patient until it expires from neglect.

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1 hour 33 min que rn :frowning:

Welp, wait for it to get longer


So much butthurt.

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HoRdE RaCiAlS Weeeeeeeehhhhhhhh

has a free pvp trinket built in to it

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what racial are you referencing? wotf?

thissssss 100%

i just want BWL to get those horde Qs into 7 hour territory

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No you just want to be vile and nasty to other people online.


That’s the dream my friend.

When they kill all the alliance on their PvP servers, drive all alliance out of playing bgs, and can’t open the gates of AQ, the horde will have truly won the game by not being able to PvP OR PvE.

So it is known, so it shall hopefully be


You know those things open on their own after a given period of time, right?



Not in vanilla they didn’t!

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