Blizz to censor women and lgbt for CHINESE MONEY?

Let people be free to choose. If they own the game, they can decide what to do. Same goes for LGBT. They own their bodies, let them decide what to do with themselves.
You can’t talk about freedom only for one side.

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The Government is terrible. Doesn’t mean the actual people living there are bad. Although I have heard quite horrible stories about chinese tourists

Okay but honestly I’d spend more money on Overwatch if every character wasn’t suggested to be a secret lesbian.

Maybe what they’re doing isn’t morally wrong so much as it is financially right.

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Making Hanzo and McCree smooch Hm?

as far as I know the only lesbian character is tracer


Sue them? Why bother when they can simply shut down access to your platform and seize your assets in China if you don’t tow their line?

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It’s still wrong. It still makes Blizzard liars when they release statements about the usual inclusiveness and caring about things of this nature. It is two-faced and disgusting that they would actively participate in it for money when China is actively violating human rights in this particular manner (you know they’re locking gay people up right? literally erasing them from society)

what assets?

I might be wrong, but can’t the chinese government literally ban the game?

And I think it’s already a nono to use VPNs as well…


Oh they’re doing way more than smooching.

blizz has already censored WoW, giving in to the demands of china.

I couldn’t figure out why in the world they gave Sylvanas new armor and covered her all up. Now I know. Also, since when to fem Belfs not have the midriff showing on special gear the way it isn’t on their heritage armor? And of course there is the Diablo debacle with removing so much from it to get it to pass the chinese censors, including the Witch Doctor class (gee I wonder what they objected to with that hmmmmmmm?). And the blatant censoring of the forums here, and the attempt to do the same with in-game chat.

No, blizz is more than willing to lose their customers in the rest of the entire world to bend the knee to china. That much is clear. I have zero respect for this company anymore. Zero.


if people want to play them which they do considering china has a warcraft theme park they will find a way to play them.

Then you’re unaware that China is literally erasing people from their culture; gay people, religious people, etc. It is morally wrong and shame on anyone who participates in this for profit.

I don’t know? What is it you are hearing. So far, you have repeated a rumor that you heard a rumor. Why don’t you go get the facts before spewing a bunch of hysterical nonsense?

Videos are not facts. Just more people repeating rumors. Find a fact based support for your claims or you’re just noise.


I think breaking those laws in China is a pretty big deal…


Professional victims are absolutely, annoying.

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In that case I hope they’re prepared to lose more. This is absolutely unacceptable.

so what? they do it already with other games.

Do they? I could’ve sworn other businesses were already bending over for China.

While they are pandering to the Chinese clientele with Diablo Immortal, I wouldn’t say they are completely bending over for them either. The Asian client still is very much different than ours. Undead are still censored heavily over there.

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