Blizz, Seriously, rethink. Don't hurt your good will you've been getting

The bonus XP is the only thing I care about on them, without it they are absolutely worthless imo and I would have never spent a single copper on them if I’d known the XP bonus would be removed from them at some point.


OP is late to the mega thread. But, yes…was it a necessary change?

I know leveling is supposed to be cake in SL, but something on par with the money or effort we put in. What that will be…

It’s not about the XP bonus.

It’s about the mountain of gold that we paid for the heirlooms. Someone us very recently. I spent over 30k gold in just the last few weeks upgrading my Heirlooms.

I want my freaking gold back.


I don’t really care. I bought them, I used them. I got my money’s worth.



Punishing veteran players that spent gold on heirlooms doesn’t make logical sense. You are right to want your gold back. :thinking:


I use the necks. Simply because I usually don’t start seeing them until I hit Wrath content. Then again I avoid dungeons because I have better things to do than sit around waiting for the thing to pop. I also never know when I will have to get up to deal with RL issues.
That is why I use the heirloom necks. Makes me sad that they are going to remove the XP bonus. Wonder if they will still be good, just so much they are changing that worries me.

It’s going to take a week to get from Level 1 to the start of Shadowlands… and you want to reduce that by half?

Did you complain this much when you had to upgrade the computer you spent soooo much money one? No? Why? Because it was obsolete.

Guess what.


Your analogy is fail!

Heirlooms are like my rusty rock hammer sitting on my desk. Guess what? It still works! No need to throw it out.

Heirlooms with XP work fine. Blizz should not nerf them and leave it alone!

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I’m fine with them removing bonus exp from them, and in my opinion they never should have had it. Gear that scales is already great.

Victims gonna REEEEEE I guess.

Rep for leveling toons is beyond useless.

This. One bad decision after another after another after another after another …


“Digital items bought with digital currency in a video game are just like real world tools!”


Considering millions upon millions of gold has been spent by the playerbase to level faster?


I’ll use this analogy again. This is just like if I bought a Ferrari that goes 200 MPH, and then Ferrari mechanics come in overnight and downgrade it - without compensation - to only going 150 MPH.


In WoW those heirlooms are very real to me! Can’t convince me otherwise! :thinking:

Sounds like a “you” problem.

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BTW I love my rock hammer. :love_letter: :love_letter: :love_letter:

I have spent multiple tens of thousands of gold on Heirlooms (before they nerfed the prices) and personally I do not care. The items still scale with level so its slots that you do not have to replace while leveling. It’s not like they are taking the Heirlooms away, they still exist and still have purpose.


Well, it’s not like your rock hammer, and the xp bonus has been replaced by an even greater increase in levelling speed, and you complaining won’t change that.

So, yeah, that’s a “you” problem.