Blizz ruining classes randomly

Orc maybe… just maybe Blizzard could actually do some internal testing themself?

Imagine other companies working like Blizzard, take the auto industry for example.
What all wheels on your car fell of? To bad that we didn’t have enough customers testing our design before we started to sell the car…

Bruh. Really? Fury outheals healers in BGs. Havoc is 100% out of control. WW not far behind. Guardian druid out dps’ing dps classes in dungeons and shredding entire groups in PvP and you gonna justify this crap? Of course cause it wasnt you. I will be looking for you if your class gets ruined.

A correct nerf is not making a low mobility class weak defensively. You really don’t know much about dk. It’s funny when people who are experts in a class tell you that it’s too much you argue no.

This is why you don’t main something based on power. If you don’t enjoy your class and it gets nerfed, you’ve just wasted your time.

Most specs are enjoyable. Sitting in the graveyard is not

I mean…that’s literally every patch cycle, ever. It was worse with Ghostcrawler back in the day.

idk. if dps are complaining about buffs / nerfs and they genuinely care about it they should play rogue, mage, lock.

you hit all the bases and you’re relatively safe.

obviously don’t follow this advice if u care about playing one main spec

It’s the beginning of an expansion and the games have begun. People are playing politics trying to get other classes nerfed while avoiding nerfs themselves. It happens every expansion.

every 4 man dps try hard que in LFD has a lock. That says something my friend. lmao

I deiced to main a paladin this go around no matter how much people said they sucked and were nerfed. Looks like I’m getting a threat boost on the 6th.

Yeah but come on u got four specs to choose from. Mages and rogues and hunters and locks( not locks they are so over powered right now it’s beyond ridiculous)

But classes with two or three dps specs can really suffer. You can tank or switch to heals or go boomkin and convoke people to death in pvp or play feral. One of your specs is bound to be op. I feel Druid kits should be heavily nerfed

If you keep switching mains to keep up with the meta, then you keep playing. Blizzard wins again.

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To be fair, ONLY spec I play is resto. When resto druids are bad and it’s harder to get into M+ or raids, I still main it.

Meanwhile guardian druids we’re doing five million damage and four million heals in random battlegrounds. Topping damage and heal meters and never dying.

These tuning passes should be completed before beta ever becomes ‘live’… period. full stop. Information should be available for players to make an informed choice. period. full stop. anything less is the development team phoning it in.

Resto has been op since bfa! Maybe not in arenas due to heavy burst damage from bad rng systems but maybe this xpac will see more Druid healers on bgs and rated games

Oh, sure. Soul Leech really needed to be nerfed into near non-existence when the real problem is Dark Pact.

I agree with you 100%. All of these issues were present during beta. They did very little PvP testing and it shows.

When i said “these” I meant the existence of a tuning pass, period. These are the types of things we should see on a weekly basis.

And dont worry, warriors and DH will get theirs. They have to hit them really hard, so its likely taking a little longer.

Guardian Druids are very tanky right now. I honestly dont mind it. They do a ton of AoE splash and weak dot damage, nothing severely threatening in PvP for most team fights. Their “dps” is merely padding meters and they die hard in stuns. During their big 3 minute cooldown they have some decent AoE. The survivability is pretty crazy but I dont see it as a huge issue. They are tanks. They are a distraction and are there to trap and troll tunnel-visioned DPS.

That being said, I think a slight PvP aura nerf of 15% to damage and healing would likely be justified and still make it OK to play in RBGs while not totally destroying the class.

For PvE, I see nothing wrong with Guardian DPS. Theyre only out-dpsing bad and/or undergeared players, their tankiness is ok but definitely not OP. I dont see any major tuning adjustments needed.


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Dk’s could solo some LFR bosses and take 15-20 stacks on blood bank boss. You had to know this was coming.