Blizz Please Break Horde Premades

Well look. They still didn’t do it for the EU servers… they are gona want a piece of it too… do u think they are gona just give them faction vs faction if they never plan on giving it at all?

yes! I think Horde premades will probably be worse lol. Better gear, better racials… You get what you asked for

Please impose deserter for dropping queue.

Grouped with a couple friends and lost to a Horde premade from my server. Now they are trolling us after the game when we trying to mind our own business.

Please Blizz fix this before it becomes permanent.

It only works if alliance dont ask for the same change.

I am Horde just not posting on my main because I don’t wanna get trolled more than I already have by the Horde premades.

If the solution is you need a premade to PVP, that screws over casuals.

If it’s going to be so premade intensive, then port the retail group finder they use for arena and rated BGs into TBC to give casuals a chance to form up.

For the “it’s just a test” crowd:

Are there horde disliking it? ANd who is the majority? Who represents the biggest loss to revenue if they leave?

What do you think is going to happen if they turn around and remove it and horde get their 90 minute ques back? Are horde going to cry less, the same as, or more than before?

Tldr: horde are toxic, who would’ve guessed?


It’s gona be real bad if these alliance think blizzard is gona give horde instant queues and then all of a sudden take it away for good lol!! Once they got a little taste of instant queues and some honor then going back to 1 ur queues will cause an insane outrage

Precisely. I think that they may be thinking THAT would incentivize horde to reroll but that’s not going to do it. I think they just created a larger problem.

And the horde whine continues


TL;DR The Alliance are just as bad, but they don’t want to admit it.

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Just reroll, oh wait umm.

You’re definitely an Alliance player. Post on your main, you won’t.

Welcome to the Alliance.

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Sounds like ya got wrektosaurased

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imagine that, screwing over casuals. Sort of like how alliance just got screwed. Don’t worry though, i’m sure blizzard will fix it since it’s a horde issue.


You think you do, but you don’t


I don’t think dedicated Horde players (of whom I once was) realize just how douchey the average Horde player is, now they will.

I would suggest going into AV but I am sure your queue for that is stupidly long.

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lol you can not make this stuff up , anything else you Horde like to change to classic and our bgs?

Oh, man.

That’s awful.

I’m so sorry that happened to you.