Give. This. WHINING. A. Rest. Already.
Why are you saying that? If you are referring to blizzard is the third person plural “ they” then owe is correct
I have seen dozens of posters asking exactly for High Elf to be made into a Void Elf Customization.
Sorry friend, you got what many of you asked for.
Do you have to make a post about this every day? Like you can’t ever just be happy you got options at all.
Thank you you pretty much answered yer own question.
Blizzard owes me fun. Not take it away everytime they detect fun.
You still owe me Pinkman.
And I was promised a bunny mount.
Give ME the High elves.
You mean you don’t want various swol horse mounts??? Alliance has some for the picking!!
If you need a to have fun in the game. I think it’s safe to say you aren’t having any fun and should probably unsubscribe. This argument is also a slippery slope anyhow, “If you don’t give me seth’rak I can’t have fun” “If you don’t give me ethereals I can’t have fun” “If you don’t give me san’layn I can’t have fun.” “If you don’t give me every race in the game I can’t have fun.”
It’s just a long winded argument that goes on eternally. A race is nice, but if you truly need it to have more fun and find it to be the only draw to playing the game. You really, really should unsub.
You must be new here.png
Blizz doesn’t owe you anything.
You got your Blood Elf copies. Be grateful they even did that.
Blizzard owes its customers access to the game they paid for, period.
After Garithos, the Alliance are not owed high elves.
They don’t “owe” us High Elves. But I mean, how hard can it really be at this point. FFXIV over there giving us new classes and new races, and new customization in the same expansion, and Blizzard is over here pretending it’s some Herculean effort to do one of the three.
The High Elf-ers are easily startled, but they’ll soon be back, and in greater numbers.
We were right! Of course there’s always more people that are just never satisfied. OP you deserve nothing. Sorry, you’re not special.