Blizz killed twinks again, unsub again

Until BG queues are merged again I’m gone. GL with those sub numbers.


yep super lame blizz


If you’re a twink and you’re leaving because of separation of queues you were part of the issue. We still queue wargames as twinks but (big surprise) the number of twinks who want to fight other twinks has bottomed out. Shocker!


I’m finding it more and more difficult to care about twink players leaving the game.
It’s easier than ever to get organized, and play games (hopefully) in the bracket you want. If the times for that bracket don’t work for you, then find one that does.


Except in the bracket I most enjoy (60-69) has all of 6 people twinking on either side…timing is irrelevant when there simply aren’t enough people to fill the queue.


60-69 ( back during Wrath! ) was my favorite bracket and where this toon sat for a very long time, wish you luck in getting the community back again!


I mean you could always level to 70. There is literally a healthy and thriving 70 community right now with That Seventies Show. It’s your choice however.

Hence, the second part of my comment.
It is unfortunate. However, you don’t have to look far to see why Blizzard (and many other posters) have very little sympathy for most twinks/twink posters.
Not sure how the 69 are now, with talent changes and such, but yea, they used to be great.

I’ve never really enjoyed the 70s bracket, I had this toon sit in it for a few months ( again, a really long time ago :zipper_mouth_face: )and just didn’t like the community.

Are queues popping for xp-off 70-79?!? This could be the answer I’m looking for!

Come on, that’s not fair. I don’t twink but when I did it was the 69 bracket. I loved that bracket so if I still twinked I should abandon the bracket I enjoy and the characters I built to play a bracket I don’t enjoy (19/29)?

Unsubbing may seem extreme but in the end, it’s their choice.


There’s a lot of diversity in who plays twinks and why they play them (as with the game as a whole); twinks provided an avenue for me to pop on for an hour here or there and actually play, rather than just logging into the gear treadmill at 120. The scheduled play and hour long queues essentially drives me out, I don’t have the schedule for it anymore. I know that the twink community will thrive in the current situation, but as a solo queue player that logged in on off-hours, I can’t really be a part of it anymore. I do hope it thrives with whoever does stay


Well it’s wargames but it’s still PvP.

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Unfortunately, if the bracket isn’t large enough to get games, then the best option is to give up on it (or play one of the other ways to avoid xp…>.> again not sure how that would work in that bracket now).
It’s the same issue as before: a niche gameplay style that (apparently) was incredibly unfun for a large number of people. If the niche community is too small, then yes.
I mean, there’s a reason I’ve only ever played a bit of that play-style, and it happens to be the community. For every twink player that’s been helpful in BGs, there seem to be a ton of players/posters that…we’ll just say aren’t.
Perhaps it’s just because they’re an easily identifiable group (by posting), but the toxicity can’t be helping get new players into that playstyle.

…and it didn’t quote your post. New forums are interesting.


“Twinking isn’t about griefing, it’s about being the best and having epic battles with other twinks!!”

Split queues

“Screw this! I don’t want to compete! I am going to do everything in my power to ruin XP-ON queues! AFK in instances! Sneak in with XPOFF! THIS IS THE MOVEMENT!!”

How twinks are acting after the split is exactly why the split ended up happening in the first place - the vast majority just want to grief others.


That’s something I find unfortunate, is that the pre-8.1.5 system allowed people to easily get into twinking in any bracket—make their own game, find their own niche. The most popular brackets seem to be the ones with the most absurd itemization—the ones where twink power has the largest differential from non-twink power.

119s, 39s, 19s, 29s. Those brackets are super active. The item level in 49s is not much higher than that of 39s, so inherently the power differential is much lower. This was my bracket, the pacing was great comparatively, and if I change brackets just to play I’m surely going to miss the bracket I chose for the reasons I chose it in the first place.

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The forums are a poor source to use to support your claim. The vast majority is probably way overstated.


Maybe! And the good twinks are absolutely getting screwed by the bad, but the optics of twinking is just continuously shooting downward.

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Twinks are still very much integrated in the XPon Brackets, as documented in this recent SS. 10-19 XPon.

This is how things are currently forming up.
“Twinking 8.1.5”

Yes the new changes drive alternate XP-on twinking behavior. Rather than being spread out into more desirable brackets, now the easiest solution is to roll into the 19s, or roll an allied race and start in with a fresh level 20—and just keep mailing those looms to new characters once you level out. I might do it myself if I enjoyed the pacing and talent spreads in such low brackets.