I’m sorry but these people just aren’t real. Just admit it already, there’s ai bots in the random bgs.
Sorry, posted on the arena forums. Ignore this
I’m sorry but these people just aren’t real. Just admit it already, there’s ai bots in the random bgs.
Sorry, posted on the arena forums. Ignore this
OP has a point, for one its common in many shooters, fortnite its an open stated fact that Bots are in lobbies so players feel like they are getting wins. SBMM skill based match making, more common in lower brackets, power farming low players loses customers. They quit the game, and company loses out on juicy player skin shop sales.
In WoW notice all season players complaining about silent lobbies, and players that do weird things? Not to mention look at wow pvp streamers talking about Blizzard nerfing addons, Blizzard is tweeking many things and experimenting w upcoming patches soo…
OP, you might have a point.
Yup I see lotsa bots in BGs.
I dono if they are Blizzards or if they are gold farmer bots, either way Blizzard is silent on the issue.