Blizz, Hong Kong, Freedom of speech, lets have an Adult discussion

I’m not saying people shouldn’t have a voice, but screaming at developers and artists over something they have nothing to do with is a waste. You don’t get upset at your boss at work and then cuss out your co-worker in another department for it.


As I said (on twitter I think) at some point:
Your local supermarket is probably bending over backwards to trade goods with China; But you’re an as*hole if you go in there and abuse a checkout operator over it.


They usually are, the few I attended, they were calmly removed by staff while screaming injustice. I am happy they take that stance. Personally I went for my love of the games. Politics does not belong in my virtual world.


The youtubers haven’t told people they need to be outraged yet. Most people fanning the flames of this whole situation are just mindless drones for youtubers who tell them they need to be outraged over the entire thing.

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There are several problems with the ‘free Hong Kong’ requests…

1-Western intervention absolutely devastated Libya, we were there to apparently to support a people’s revolution, but the current state of the country we ‘helped’ was absolutely devastating.

2-Even if the West did intervene on Hong Kong’s behalf, that could easily trigger a war with China, and the reality is that China has the world’s second largest military, to me that’s too much of a risk that I wouldn’t be willing to take.

Pffft… Riot is already bad even without China in the picture

Have you heard of what Pendragon did to Dota? Plagiarizing the hell out it

Have you heard of the Artist who was promised a job with Riot if she helped make the KDA LoL music video but wasnt?

I was suprised, usually I hate Asmongold but even he was of the opinion
“Yea but they had a contract? you can’t just break a contract with Blizzard and not get in trouble for it.”

Ok not that surprised because he does make a lot of money off a Blizzard game, but his response was very rational.


Had the same thing happened in the US, would you also protest? Thing is, it’s been in the ToS since minute one. This is the first time it happened at an event and it is precedence setting yes. All those involved generally admitted guilt and knew of the consequences.

Fact is the thing being protested is not even freedom of speech. It’s an extradition order for criminals. Some with lesser sentences which I disagree to, but others have committed rape, child pornography, set trafficking the list goes on.

The people of Hong Kong are still a part of China. Where on lesser charges I see the issue, but on the more serious ones, I don’t think this “sanctuary” city should be providing protection for these people.

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Do you even know what you’re talking about?

Had what happened in the US?
I know that the rules were in place beforehand and have no intention of boycotting Blizzard.

Actually do you? Freedom of speech is not among the 5 demands of the protesters and it all began with the extradition bill.

Yeah a 100% aware, try actually looking into the facts of what they are protesting over there, it may actually be an illuminating thing for you. Avoid Reddit, twitter, and any other “news” source that is not regulated and see for yourself.

Ah the thread is back.

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I highly doubt that.

You know what’s really annoying, every time that things with one country settle down, the finger gets pointed at another country…

See, first it was the Middle East, and the various countries there, leading to the Syrian conflict, which led to the demonization of Russia, a war didn’t happen with Russia so then after that settled down it was North Korea, then things with North Korea settled down, there were some fingers being pointed at Iran, but the main country that everyone hates now is China.

I fear that even if the whole Hong Kong situation settles down, people will look for some other country to pick on and criticize for whatever reason. My view is that we shouldn’t worry about what other countries are doing, we should clean up our own back yard.

Will there ever be a time where we just let other countries of the world simply be?

That you would actually look at a real news site? I doubt that too by reading all your posts today. Why bother actually finding out the facts at all right?

Been following this long before the Hearthstone event. It’s not even that difficult to find the real reasons behind the protests, if one actually stays up on current events and does some simple research.

I honestly wouldn’t waste your time with people like that. They are only outraged because someone on youtube told them to be and will switch gears as soon as their told the next thing to be outraged about.

Facts are arent needed to people like that when they can just scream into an echo chamber of similarly weak minded individuals that refuse to look up information on their own. It’s sad really, we live in a world where anything you could possibly ever want to know is literally at our fingertips and people are still so easily shepherded into outrage drones over things they know little to nothing about.


Never heard of such a thing.

News with LESS bias, cause god help you, you’ll never get news with none.

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Sadly this is true, I trust mainstream media about as much as Flint michigan tap water.