Considering they elected to forfeit all future matches after they found out they apparently weren’t going to be banned? Yes.
Sounds like Cho should become the WoW version of Mei.
Don’t dodge the second half of that.
Dodge what? What do they stand to gain? Notoriety. And being one of the noble crusaders to stick it to Evil Acti-Blizz and their nefarious schemes.
If they or anyone else actually cared about what’s going on in Hong Kong, where were the protests before now?
IDK maybe some integrity, something the world is critically lacking in now adays…
Citation needed.
And what do they gain from that notoriety? Don’t forget, they were already playing in official matches, what does notoriety bring to outweigh that?
Again, this is all ridiculously cynical. It’s amazingly disappointing that you can’t possibly imagine it was done out of morality rather than personal gain.
This is a blizzard forum. Why would people have been posting about this here before?
That’s such a dumb but commonly made argument here and I can’t understand it.
Ah yes. The old “I didn’t see you complaining about China and Blizzard on Blizzard’s forums before Blizzard got involved so you clearly don’t really care”.
I was on the Hong Kong subreddit honey sorry you’re too stupid to understand cause and effect.
Blizzard has been involved with China for at least a decade. Your ignorance of that isn’t really an excuse.
Excellent post, but out of “likes” for the day
Dealing with China and supporting China’s own political statements are very different things.
Lmao the irony of this coming from you.
Ignorance of something doesn’t exclude you from being upset about it when you did figure out. Not that this applies here but for future reference~
I found another one!
ah… the ad homeniem attack…the last resort of the desperate.
I didn’t make an Ad Homeniem attack, that word doesn’t mean what you think it means.
If your only argument is “THAT’S A LOGICAL FALLACY” then your entire argument is a Logical Fallacy. Well actually you don’t HAVE an argument so that’s even worse.
What did you mean by
Another person misinformed about the situation.
you know considering you “liked” a post spouting huge amounts of misinformation such as the Hearthstone Tournament was a “Chinese Tournament” and one that would “cause Disrepute” if you were to make anti-China statements.
When in fact the Tournament was held in Taiwan, a territory that is notoriously enemies with China…
ok so it was intended as a personal slur. Gotcha.
I like Wiggly.
No. The last last resort is publicly demanding someone remove their post before you report them for trolling.
… Not sure how “I found another person misinformed about the topic!” and then posting a quote that gives correct information is a “personal slur” but sure man whatever.
LOL following this dog is hilarious… in a chorus line of two other players haha
The PRC and ROC will hate each other for all eternity