But Blizzard has dabbled in politics before, especially on the front of diversity and inclusion. Issues of nationality, ethnicity, sexuality and gender identity are fine to bring up during Blizzcon and Okayed to discuss on the forum. Overwatch was predicated on this principle too (despite Wow being their most diverse game ever). Plus, wasn’t there they letter a fan wrote to Blizzard about the portrayal of Black Dragons in Wow and how the is connected to racial stereotypes?
My point is the company has no problems being political when they deem it. Regardless of who you are or where you stand, Blizzard should just avoid all of this mess.
I doubt it. Blizzcon is scheduled months in advance, venues are paid, concessionaires reserve space; rentals, setup, hotels, meh… whatamess.
I don’t actually think people who go to Blizzcon go there for politics. They want games and fun.
Indeed. We need to enforce our morals on ourselves, and that includes Blizzard. If other countries have a problem with it, too bad.
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Since your boycotting, can i have your stuff? Keeping it woups be supporting greedy blizzard right? So you shouldn’t want it anyway.
I am going to show my freedom by not doing that.
I have a principle of not listening to rabblerowsers/people upset someone got punished for breaking the rules. It has nothing to do with politics or china.
He knew what he was doing was against the rules and did it anyway.
This’ll probably get moved to the big thread that’s become the main thread for this topic in no time. So there wasn’t much of a reason to make a new one. The Twitter hashtag was trending and folks are already talking about it; the forums are hardly untouched ground for this.
That is ultimately your decision, but imagine if thousands of people stood up to blizzard and stopped playing their games and canceled their wow sub, we could make a difference. But if you dont care and are still willing to give this corrupt company your money, you really should be ashamed for being so indifferent. This actually matters.
I’m glad that boycotting Blizzard will mean less money is going to an American game company. That’ll teach those Americans for selling things to China.
Instead, I buy Korean phones, American shoes, and Japanese cars and play American or Japanese-based games.
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There are far, far worse things in the world than oppressive governments restricting speech. Go be outraged at some of that, like poverty, homelessness, hunger, disease, no access to clean water, lack of medical care.
Or are you apathetic?
Nope im logical and a realist who doesnt let emotion and false facts guide my actions.
But by all means, quit im sure you wont be back in 8.3 or 9.0
I dont even know where to start, you’re either trolling or completely oblivious to world events.
Or I can have my principles and just get on with my life instead of joining the circle-jerk. Quick OP, without googling it what is the HK protesting about?
You are delusional. Blizzard has censored on behalf of the Chinese regime. How can you support a company that does this? You really should be ashamed.
I can imagine that, all those people losing their jobs, the people whose lives were put on the line bacause of this. I really feel bad for thos Blizz employees who don’t live in America and can have terrible terrible things happen because Merica.
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You do realize, the only connection between Blizzard and China is that incident involving a hearthstone player and their development focus on mobile games, right?
None of which are big contributors to human rights movements.
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Or, you’re conflating one thing with another.
The commentators and the gamer were both “on the job” and they all broke their “contract” with their employers.
It doesn’t matter whether we agree with him or not.
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Opposing a corrupt communist regime, freedom of speech and democracy. By giving money to a corrupt american company who censors on behalf of the Chinese state you are part of the problem by remaining indifferent. We must oppose tyranny wherever it may be.
I’ve already cancelled my subscription. End the PvP segregation queues. I’ll gladly return to paying.