Blizz, Hong Kong, Freedom of speech, lets have an Adult discussion

Lots of Blizzard employees probably have opinions about this issue. But few are in a position to make any decisions about it, him included.

Let me rephrase. Money -worship- brings out evil and it shows I didn’t say anything about no trade.


Neither did I I was asking you if you advocate a barter system. I thought that is what you were referring to. Did I misinterpret?

All I can say is “Whooooooosh!”
Sarcasm doesn’t come across well when typed. You get no facial expressions or hand gesturing. Maybe I’ll start streaming forum replies.

Then he should man up and accept them. Everyone else can have their take on the matter and speak their opinions of what they feel is extreme. But at the end of the day, the guy knew what could possibly happen. Never say never, especially if what you do nips at the hand that feeds you free money.

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I know what I want, a statement by Blizzard saying something about all of this :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course not. If Kibler had the authority, Blitz probably would have gotten away with a slap on the wrist.

He doesn’t call the shots, but he has the insight of decades worth of experience in the TCG industry from pretty much any angle you can think of and still thinks that this punishment is political in nature.

Even as sarcasm it was pretty bad. I understood that it wasn’t what you wanted to say. But I understood more that it didn’t say anything. There was no point to it.

And he’s doing so. Doesn’t mean we can’t condem Blizzard for overeacting and applying a lousy ruling and preaching that they defended their country value… which are chinese value.

Everyone is entitled to their personal opinions. They just aren’t entitled to express them any time they get before a microphone.

Oh they can do that to. But accept the outcome of your actions.

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How about those casters who got fired for hearing the message though?

Yes, I believe the errant player should accept the outcome of his actions.

Nevermind it didn’t come out the way I wanted to.

Use your words!! lol

edit: having read your post again are you stating that money brings out evil?

They encouraged the player to do this.

And which we go back to the original point, in that most people (including Kibler) acknowledge that Blitz broke the rules and agreed he should be punished.

The disagreement comes down to how he was punished, which is the point you’re avoiding. The over the top punishment is seen very clearly as a political move on Blizzards part, which is why people are upset.

Now to reiterate. Both Blitz and Blizzard are in the wrong here. Blizzard are just far, far deeper in the wrong.

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They got fired for egging him on. They said “Say the eight words, and then we’ll end the interview immediately.”

Join in on the guy’s protest, you join in on the consequences.

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They had to interview him. He was wearing a gas mask.

They didn’t know if Blizzard would penalize them for trying to censor him or if they would be punished for encouraging him to speak.

So they told him to say his piece and they’d be as uninvolved as possible.

Refer to above.

Also how does that make it morally right to fire them? Do you know if their contract included that? “Broadcasting people violating the ToS will get you fired”?

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I mean yeah Companies do PR stunts all the time… But now that the time has come to put up or shut up, Blizzard chickened out man. So now they are facing, quite appropriately monumental backlash. Ranging from the mere player to rival games, to the creator of vanilla, to US senators. They are being torched in the news and its all because they went back on these values they said they had. And yet here you are. Idk what you are even trying to accomplish here. Are you trying to change my mind that i shouldnt be mad at blizzard? How does this situation effect you? Hes been banned ur happy with the decision so why are you here? Help me understand you.

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They were fired because it was obvious (did you even watch the interview???) that they knew EXACTLY what this guy was on about AND that they were asking for trouble by allowing the comment (which again everyone knew was inappropriate, to say the least) to be aired. Knowing the interviewee intended to express obviously unwelcome political views, they went forward anyway.

Blizzard and, any company that does business with China is required to abide by China’s rules and regs and China doesn’t like it when Chinese nationals or anyone, speaks publicly against them.

In the US, political dissent and similar comments are (for the most part permitted unless held by persons of a certain view) and so this seems completely wrong and out of kilter with what we understand to be right.

But the world isn’t the US and China is an open tyranny so everyone involved knew there would be serious repercussions and not just issued by Blizzard. I’ve mentioned earlier, when in Rome. . . yes, you have to be a w hore to survive in the world today, in one form or another. Sad, but true.

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