Blizz hello? Grinded to 1800 RBG, no grand marshal xmog / reward

Grinded to 1800 in RBG, no Xmog reward is in the game. Cannot Xmog any grand marshal gear. Zero acknowledgement that this is even an issue from blizzard.


You do it as ret or holy? I was wanting the xmog set on my ret paladin alt but meta i remember people only took holy lol

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Holy paladin. Double Hpal or Double Rsham is a must.

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They said long ago that they will make the current lvl 60 items moggable but since these news came out nothing has happened.

That also means you do not need 1800 rating on any char.

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They have been saying one thing, then saying another. Seems like we are getting info from lots of different WoW devs who are not communicating with one another. They also said that it would only unlock at 2.4k rating at one time, then another time said it is 1.8 to unlock, then another time said it is unlocked from having earned it at level 60 original Classic. We just have to wait and see. Might be a glitch as mog did not exist this early on the first time around. It was a MoP thing mainly to help promote the new mog mount. It came out Cata final patch. But many did not even realize it was out until MoP launched.


Yeah i figured haha. Well grats whenever blizzard decides to do their job.

They specificly said one or 2 weeks ago in a bluepost that the actual gear will be made able to mog instead of adding replica and that there will be no requirement other than owning them.

Nothing more needs to be known. Its just that they either forgot to add it or are too incompetent to add it.


So they are handing the grand marshal mog out for free instead of having people earn it via pvp? link to the post?

you can find it here

Now if only they would actually do it