Blizz going toward no class/race restrictions

They didn’t just slap on bits for the drakthyr visage form. For example, the head has a human/elf base for reference, but its an entirely different model as they worked to integrate horns into the head shape rather than just slapping them on ala a demon hunter, as well as the nose options. So they sank quite a bit of effort into building them. If you pull their horns off there is actually a hole in the model’s head.

…and I will be the guy who says I like the visage forms. It’s as close to a pretty elf guy as I have yet gotten on the alliance, and I wish I could have all their hair and jewelry styling options elsewhere.

I would live without those additions. Seriously. I’d just be happy with merely “dragon eyes” and model can be as vanilla as possible, so long I could pick literally any race that is currently available. All those Horns, weird skin blemishes were unnecessary, and to me it makes visage form pointless, as it’s purpose was to blend in to society, like Onyxia, Ebonhorn they weren’t mean to draw attention. But good luck not bringing attention with obviously out of place Drakthyr visage form.


There are two reason why I, personally, never use the Visage form:

  1. The aforementioned Visage form being ugly as sin
  2. I made a Drac’thyr to be a dragon (or close to one). Why would I want to run around as a human or elf with extra dragon bits tacked on?
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It’s a basic axiom that no matter what option is chosen for any game issue, there’s a legion of people that will be pissed off with it.

I actually prefer that my Dracthyr’s visage is not a copy of any standard race.

Never make the assumption that you speak for anyone but yourself.

Uh, last I checked, the visage was either a male Blood Elf or female human, with the option of draconic features.



They focused on minor customization options like jewelry and horns over major customization options like choice of race.

It has lots of customization but all of it is very shallow options.

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Ok, they’d please everyone except Drahliana.

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That’s because they were easy. To do what you wanted they would have had to create multiple versions of each of the body armor customization types. And that would have been a lot more expensive.

I have no idea what you’re talking about. On Draktyr there are already only few pieces displaying besides cosmetic dracthyr armor that is built with model.

And every playable race could wear evoker gear. Even Panda :


True, and both of those were before Sylvanas took and destroyed the Helm. As far as I know, we haven’t seen Bolvar make any more Death Knights since then.

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Domination magic was not involved in the creation of the Scourge or Death Knights, it was however used to control them (at least during the reign of the first Lich King, during Bolvar’s reign, Death Knights were not under his control). Again, if you create a new Death Knight (from the original races that were able to, not allied races or Pandaren) and look around the area where you spawn in, you can spot the Cult of the Damned necromancers raising fallen champions (former Argent Dawn) to serve as Death Knights, with Instructor Razuvious judging each candidate for suitability.

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Another example is Kel’thuzad raising both Alexandros and later Darion as Death Knights. both of which were during Arthas’ nap time.

Death Knights use Maldraxxi runes and necromancy, but I fully admit I don’t know where I read it.
I just thought it was really, really dumb when I did, and that’s why it’s stuck with me.