Blizz going toward no class/race restrictions

More of a mothman type of guy myself. :red_circle: W :red_circle:

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Well ish now I want that to be a vibe. Who’s got moths? I know I’ve seen 'em around. Someone needs to make that a Priestly Order.

Admitably they’re drawn to the Sublime Lamp for confusing reasons but it’s a Heavenly Light source none the less.

Maybe it could be based around some Moth Loa or Wild God. There is pop cultural precedent for this sort of thing;

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Considering the Mothman is worshipped for appearing in dreams and warning of the future, that sounds very possible for a Loa.

There are Mothra references in WoW.!

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Plus now that I think of it you’ve also the Imperial Moth Priests from the Elder Scrolls who also do a lot of divination stuff. Eventually they go blind because yeah staring at divine riddles that give cryptic clues about fate and destiny just does NOT sound good for the eyes.

I’m picturing like a Dark Iron just casually suggesting wearing a welding facemask to read these but they stubbornly insist that won’t work.

With the implication being it probably would they’re just way too proud to admit they never thought to do that.


Warlocks make sense because they have multiple paths of entry being either ex-shaman or ex-mages.

True but technically any prior class/ race can be a warlock. Warlocks in the games lore did usually start out as either a shaman or mage, but honestly its just as likely they were a fancy noble who wanted power. Warlocks as a concept are just regular folk who want to either gain power, influence, or to use said power to go after whatever they want. Magical background preferred but not required.

:dracthyr_a1: Where LF make no sense to be warlocks, is they don’t “need” to go after that kind of power in the moral sense. Their goal was to defeat the burning legion and bring peace to all worlds. its a very titan aligned group of draenei who shunned Fel magic because its “pure chaos” and 90% of warlocks go after it because its 1. easy, and 2. powerful.

The only three cases I can think of for a LF warlock is 1. They fell from the light so hard they might as well be Sargerei. 2. They are a prison warden kinda deal where they reform demons to the light. see Lothraxion or 3. Fel magic is considered no more “evil” then the nature of arcane magic. So its a tool/weapon, not the wielder in question.

Morality of classes aside, it would be nice to see how they explain it in game. But we will see. :dracthyr_tea:

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:dracthyr_a1: Ok here’s an idea, but perhaps half baked.

What if humans, dwarfs, and gnomes as races, are so close to their titan origin of “ORDER” that Fel “CHAOS” only can cause them physical damage when physically consumed? They can for sure use said fel magic, but cant be imbue with it. It would also explain why LF draenei could be warlocks for much the same reason.

Meh, Blizzard has said they’re going towards an ‘all races, all classes’ future, and in the process they’re pissing on their own lore that they built up for years so it’s not really a question of ‘is Blizzard going to make these classes available to all races’ but when.

So yes, gnomes who have no ties to nature will be able to become druids, mag’har orcs who were genocided by light-wielders will be able to become paladins and Lightforged Draenei will eventually be able to become Demon Hunters after consuming demon blood and flesh to transform themselves… again… but this time into something more demon than mortal.

So don’t worry, if you’re in that crowd of players who wants to play one of the class combinations which until recently was one of the taboo ones that would have likely never happened under the old development team, you’ll get your chance.


Any sailor will tell you that there is a world of difference between “towards” and “to”.

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I’m enjoying the passive aggressive malding so much

Shadowmoon Maghar Warlock won, y’all crying and moaning and lack of imagination lost

And I’m enjoying watching you tear up over the fact that you lose your Observer pet.

If there’s one positive takeway I get from this patch, it’s that.

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I’m fine at the end of the day cuz with the infernal implemented at customization, we’ll likely get Darkglare and Tyrant customizations, what with Ion saying the Observer is like a Darkglare

Meanwhile you will be mad and your arguments ruined with the fact every single one of my warlock backstory ideas made it to the game

Down to the Maghar Shadowmoon Warlock :sparkles:

the pettiness
jesus wept

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Yep, and I’m honestly fine with it.

Normally I’d be sad about customization options and unique looks going away, but not this time. As long as it upsets Baal, I’m okay with it…

With exceptions regarding inappropriate content aka racist/sexist content, that will always be unacceptable to me and it’s really the only thing we agree on.

I see Nightborne and void elves getting DH soon because they have the skeletons with all the exclusive animamtions.

People who erroneously call a time-traveling robot a god.


That would be all too predictable, Draenei and Orcs would be a way to go. Even Lightforged and Maghar at the same time. Give them red skins too.

Nightborne and Void Elves would be so easy, it wouldn’t be that big a deal for a new wave.

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All races are getting all classes, so even if it’s ‘predictable’ it’s going to happen.

Red skins for Draenei need to be a demon hunter only customization though. Same with the red skin and demonic spikes for Orcs.

Oh sure I just meant if they are done in waves. Lately they have just released them all at once, but I could see DH and Evoker being special cases.

I could see Demon Hunters being done in waves, like some first, then the rest. Evokers would then be answered by giving them different visages for the various playable races, down the line.

I do prefer they eventually figure out a way to give Evokers to all-races, rather than just the visage idea. Maybe put dragon wings on your toon.

Evokers I can’t see happening because the class is built around being a dragon. Dracthyr should get more customization options though so they can pick other visage forms.