Blizz gave Horde easier access to Allied Races in Both Legion and Now BFA

No you don’t. Mechagon is a heroic dungeon on Tuesday.

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Don’t forget the fact the Horde can complete the criteria for Mechagnome on Horde characters apparently, but ALliance obviously can’t for Vulpera.

You can’t have the argument be “If you just played the game you’d have it because it’s so easy” and “negating hard work”

Is it easy or hard?

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Which happened months after the content was released and was know for months before the allied races were even made available…

Again it has been out for months, has been known for months, and is hands down the easiest faction to get exalted with.

They had the equivalent of one

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Whereas you are technically corrrect, which we all know is the best kind of correct, in this case its a bit misleading. They were the newest factions but they also weren’t that new either. Several people in my guild had the exalted achieves for those reps dated like 6 months prior to the release of those races. Granted we farmed them pretty quickly, but it wasn’t that crazy to have it done if you had been playing the expansion. So yes, the other reps had been out much longer but it wasn’t as crazy as it might seem.

this is, again, misleading because that single wq is worth a boatload of rep every day.

If the horde have it easier its by a narrow margin, not a wide one.

But over here on the Alliance we get a way more convenient city. :smiley:

“On the PTR it shows Horde exalted rep counts, but you still need to do “The Mechagonian Threat” achievement on Alliance which requires revered rep.”

That is consistent with how it worked for the allied races in legion.

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Yesterday several people mentioned that as of right now on the PTR you have to complete “The Mechagon Threat” on your Alliance which requires revered.

Of course are horde really horde if they are playing Alliance mechagnomes?

Can’t you get Rustbolt rep with Horde anyway? So isn’t that still an edge we have? Want to make a Vulpera, gotta grind on Horde in Volduun. Want to make a Mechagnome against your better judgement, just gotta get an ally to 120.

Because the Dev’s play Horde, and the bias is real…

If you don’t like it, Blizzard has a message “The Horde is waiting for you” and this might be why the game is doing so poorly these days among other things


Blizzard Dev says you can do it all on a Horde toon, then you just need to do the intro quests to Mechagon on an Alliance so you can do the recruitment quest.

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If you look at the big picture in BfA Horde got the short end of the stick.
Our main hub for the expansion is a huge pain in the butt to navigate split into two areas.
Our secondary quest hub in Nazjatar is a cave that dismounts us, a really big cave with a huge obstacle in the middle that we have to go around unless we are playing DH.

Factor in the time Alliance save just in the day to day grind, plus the fact that the Human rep racial is the only racial powerful enough to combat the dreaded “MAU” and I don’t see how Horde are the heavily favored ones.

Oh yeah, we also had Garrosh 2.0 and lost another veteran leader.

Sure our quests to unlock the Allied races might not require a dungeon, but the amount of time we have wasted going between the docks and the rest of our city more than makes up for it.


Dead server completely dead alliance side and ive been trying to pug it since release always missing 1 or 2 roles hours go by people leave.

You’re crying about getting rep with the one faction that has enough quests to get 70% of an emissary quest every day? Give me a break. Hell, the WQ gives basically half of an emissary quest by itself!

I have all of the ally allied races and the only horde one I have is the vulpera, which I can’t even do the scenario until Tuesday. /shrug

Granted, the only allied races for horde I really want are the highmountain, the vulpera, and MAYBE the mag’har, but still.

Not exalted with mechagon but I have 0 desire to play a mechagnome. Mainly because getting rep with mechagon is a horrible endeavor.

Allied races should require no rep whatsoever, just the expansion they came out during.

Blizzard is not going to give them customization support for Shadowlands… And Nightborne and Highmountain have their fair share of complaints to make.

At 4 months after release most people playing legion were exalted or at least close to it with the alliance ones too there was plenty of time for both to be exalted there reallly isn’t any difference at the point allied races were released.

That single WQ is like doing a zone of WQ plus you get dailies and Mechagon has been our over 6 months more than enough time to once again be irrelevant

My method for ARs will remain as it has since Legion: wait until I a, so far above the content and then go back and cheese the hell out of it.

Definitely not, you needed Exalted with Nightborme for Pathfinder, due to storyline rep gating, so most had an incentive to grab it before it came out. High mountain rep was practically thrown at you for a year and a half before the data mining.

The Void Elves also take longer than the entire Nightborne storyline and Pathfinder by extension, by a matter of multiple weeks. I tested it.

Also you could outgear Horde AR zones much more than Alliance AR, making farming them a breeze.

BFA wasn’t very kind allowing Horde to earn the Alliance AR rep and not vice versa (also Vulpera are the best AR, fight me), and Legion was definitely way easier on the Horde.