Blizz do you just hate us

lets think here
-most classes have actual choices for their talent rows, we pretty much have cookie cutter builds (Nature’s Guardian vs Feral Lunge, what a tough decision!)

-we have to talent to get basic abilities and cooldowns back (Ascendance, Earth Shield for resto, Natures Guardian [yep have to mention it, should be baseline since stuns make our existence impossible], Grounding Totem, etc.)

-we lose a bunch of our movement abilities such as Windwalk totem and other things to “sit in ghost wolf and run around”

-totems are practically non existent even coming into Shadowlands. still REALLY puzzled with Grounding Totem not being baseline and being a pvp talent.

-in PvP, purge still isn’t completely addressed so i have to sit there and spam purge and drain mana just like draining my will to live while playing my main

-we bring no buffs to the group at all anymore, dont think that Windfury totem is going to be the big problem solver next xpac especially when it only affects party members so Enhance still won’t see any realistic ability in mythic raiding

-still almost no CC and when its used, its basically irrelevant cause you’re basically just sitting there able to move and hop around until almost half of the classes that include a lot of dps in this game can dispel it

-no survivability, no healing to bring to the group (elemental is the only with something useful as a talent aka Ancestral Guidance and they have to balance with Nature’s Guardian. at least this is more useful than Feral Lunge). Enhance has a lot less mana and ability to heal especially and Feral Sprit doesn’t heal anymore, and we don’t even have Shamanistic Rage.

-Vitality Conduit exists. Guess every healer should get a better version of Spirit Link for a good chunk of situations.

really kinda confused tbh blizz idk an explanation would be cool on why most hybrids are 100x better than us in any situation and rsham is the only spec that has a lick of power for raiding realisticly.


yup. its so annoying. I love feral lunge because shaman mobility is trash if you want to, y’know, actually fight while moving but you lose the only thing that stops you from dying instantly


yep. We lose windwalk and we get that as talent option. With how much we get kited and rooted it would be 100x easier to just have that as a baseline ability for enhance. Would make sense. It doesn’t even actually do the stun that Charge does so its a lesser version of charge, but we gotta talent for it, y’know. :^)

I don’t think Blizz knows how to toe the line between the other hybrids and still make Shaman feel unique. If we got immunities would we just be Paladins? If we got shields would we be Priests? If we got classwide hots would we be Druids?

It’s like we’re living the Pigeonhole Principle. There are only so many mechanics in the game, and every other class absorbed them all for their own class fantasy. Shaman is left looking at all the filled cubbies and wondering where it fits.

I mean we’ve had a fine concept of our identity and that was with totems back in WoTLK. Don’t know why Blizzard doesn’t understand that. Having your totems up as stuffs to help mitigate or support your group (or yourself) is what made shamans unique. Having stoneskin up for the armor buff (that’s how it worked in WoTLK) or choosing to protect your totems with Stoneclaw. Options like that added flavor and a skill cap to the class on what you’re going to do in certain situations.

Keep up with WoTLK totem and buff design with Mists cooldowns and mechanics, Shaman would probably feel enjoyable again.

The problem with totems is the progression of public feedback. In my experience it’s generally:

  1. I don’t like having to press 4 buttons on GCD to be at full power.
  2. Now that I can press 1 button to lay 4, I wish I didn’t have to recast them when I move.
  3. Now that I can teleport the group instead, it feels annoying to have to maintain stationary buffs.
  4. Now that totem buffs are an optional talent that I don’t need to take to feel at max power, I miss having totems.

The problem is, they never iterated on what a totem COULD be, they only ever focused on player annoyance with some mechanical aspect. I actually agree totems could be the key, but they need to start expanding on ideas quickly instead of just saying “hey remember windfury totem?”

Edit: actually, you know what spec has an inkling of what totems could be? Resto. Why they didn’t even try for Enh and Ele is beyond me.


or just bring totems off the gcd


I agree with others that Totems are the empty cubby that Shamans should fit in. At least ele should imo. I agree that totems feel a bit awkward but I believe they could be designed in such a way that it’s not too bad.

Maybe instead of buffs, they should be more dot effects. Like basically earthquake with a totem in the middle. And maybe your LB does it’s guarantees crit mechanic to those standing near a totem instead of flame shock.

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add totems back, take them off the GCD (or maybe at least give us the ability they had in WoTLK where u can drop all 4 of them at once), and take purge off the GCD


I liked Wrath and Cataclysm Enhancement the best.

Totems where an easy fix, don’t make them 1 shot.

Shamanistic Rage should return, so should our healing throughput.

We don’t feel very battle magey, we feel like a fancy light show then we die.


I really honestly don’t think the devs play the game at the same level as most of its player base so they don’t see these issues.

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:100: % agree!

I was SERIOUSLY looking to main shaman for SL. So I level and geared one up in preparation. Holy Christ, I never knew life could be this bad in the game!
Melee will just EAT you alive in PvP. Just accept the fact that without HUGE coordination and support from your DPS, you are just dead! So PUG’ing arenas is not even hardly possible as a Resto Shammy.

Anyway, long story short, after trialing the Shammy in BFA; I WONT be maining one in SL. Best of luck to those that stick to the Shammy. I’m convinced that Bliz does have some preconceived negative biases towards the Shaman for whatever reasons I don’t know?

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They could give us more AoE healing class wide, bring back chain heal and healing rain for dps. I loved setting up a 5MW healing rain at the start of the fight (in cata), and having a nice group heal for close calls, and bad healers/tanks/dps. It was also nice getting some splash on others when I needed a heal. If we actually had some passive healing to throw around, our defense would seem so lacking. Still bad, but not as bad.

Ironically, good and geared resto shamans can sit on ghost wolf half the match and never drop below 90% health.


True, and also the worst they could possibly design for PvP in a video game.

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Yep. Gimmicky PvP shouldn’t exist. Still not a fan of not knowing what Essences, trinkets [cause guessing all of the trinkets in BFA is so much fun when it doesn’t just include the Gladiator PvP ones.], Azerite Traits, and Corruptions the enemy team is going to wrong. I should only have to guess Talents and trinkets. The rest should be heavily implied like Tier Sets (at least those are coming back.)

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If only we were as useful casting spells and playing the class as we are afking in ghost wolf

Zaryu and Pikaboo were discussing resto shamans just the other night in his stream, where they both said shamans are actually the best pvp healer currently. So I can choose to agree with you, or a couple multi-glad pvp’ers.


Link? I’d like to see that if you can link the stream. I understand that may not be possible.

Was yesterday at some point.