Blizcon Q&A needs this question

With blizcon coming up and them usually having a Question and answers section, these two questions need to be asked to the Dev’s since they clearly have no intentions of addressing them anywhere else. The questions obviously need to be forced to them in order for them to actually speak on the topics, so if anyone going to blizcon has the guts to do so, ask these two questions.

1.) Cheating in PvP/Boosting in Shuffle has become one of the biggest issues for the PvP player base, what do Blizzard plan on doing about it?

2.) Epic battlegrounds premades have been plaguing the causal community for ages. in short, it’s bad game design and needs to be addressed, what does blizzard plan on doing about it?

If anyone at blizzcon asks either or both of these questions, you’d be a hero in my eyes.

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You should simply ask these questions yourself when the devs open up a request for questions to be answered after BlizzCon. Watch for a thread to re-post your questions above on 3-Nov here on these forums. They may not pick your question to answer and there will likely be no live Q&A, so your original request to have someone at BlizzCon ask your questions live is likely not a possibility.

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