Blessing of Seasons & Wings/GCD

When either in a PvE environment or in a BG hitting the Ret Paladin night fae cov ability (Blessing of seasons) + wings macro pops both abilities at the same time due to wings being off the gcd. In arena I’m having to press the button twice to make Blessing of seasons cast.
Is this a bug or something related to arena only?

Mind sharing the macro? Maybe there’s formatting that could be getting caught up

I’ve tried multiple ways.
/cast blessing of seasons
/cast avenging wrath
Vice versa as well

So, when writing macros there are a few ways to go about doing things.

I highly suggest this page for starting out, as it will teach you all of the basic rules associated with it. It sounds like what you want is a castsequence, which is a series of spells attached to one macro which will be activated one after the other.

/castsequence reset=10 avenging wrath, blessing of seasons

would be the most basic iteration of the macro. You may still have to press the button twice but it will work in quick succession