Bleeding Hollow Horde Reconnections

Used to be an Undead Warlock named Golgorht. Was with Macabre Crew. Ended up merging with another guild (iirc?) to form Crimson Eclipse. Left the Guild when the free transfer to Cho’Gall opened up. Didn’t want to leave BH.

Hot damn ! I remember Zarin, Napalmweasel and Skullscream. Used to be in their guild. Do you remember McDoogle, orc warrior ? Will never forget that lad saying in TS/Vent, one night in MC, drunk, that he could take 2 Core Hound at once and died within seconds. Never laugh that hard.

Hello again. My main was a orc hunter names TheBrainyo. If you remember me from the old guild hit me up. I can’t remember the name of our guild but we were essentially were a khara farm guild in BC

I’m genuinely upset I can answer nearly all of these.

Hey Bae. I’m playing! So is Dareus, Seething, Xv, and a few more!

Sup big man, it’s Kugruk!

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Jesus christ it’s Rabidewok. I raided with you guys in Tempest for forever. It’s Kugruk!

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Willzy! It’s Bigp. Altso and I are playing classic, hit me up dude. Arcturus#1920

Jawc, member of The Purge if anyone remembers them! Troll Shaman :slight_smile:

you aren’t the only one

Yeah i think we all are going Stalagg. Lots of people here on the BH forums are in between Stalagg or Whitemane. The only bad thing about Whitemane is that its Pacific Time and we wanted Eastern. Thats why we choosing Stalagg over Whiteman.

**The betrayal if u go alliance Wafle!! #Horde4Life

ENNKEY SUX, bring adessi, dontlitter, isacc, and beergogglez back

Do you remember a undead warlock named Idra?

Im Whirlwind Rsham from Zerglings

Hope to see ned, furok, lucertertt and others around.

and nedrage… good times.

So… What server?


@Whitecrow - Don’t tease me. I come back if you come back.


Hey man it’s Caliben if you remember me. We have a small group of some former Zerglings and then some others going to Stalagg.

So far names you might recognize that are playing: Furok, Kopok, Silentbob, Dator, Arteyu, Stormchao, Monlu, Craiig. Going to start a small guild, but a roster not much bigger than you see here lol.

Caliben#1302 is my tag for anyone that wants to reconnect.

: ] glad i saw this name

Hey!! How’s it going man? I’m still undecided on server. Was going Herod or Faerlina, but idk

That does actually sound really familiar!