Bleeding Hollow Horde Reconnections

Hi Mel. I didn’t run with ya much, but I do remember doing some bgs with you, Causticup and Maximus. My toon was was Pyros, undead mage. I made it to General before tanking a break.

Pyros - Undead Mage in Gankers Inc. I ran a lot with Causticup, Elcorona, Scarrlett.

Valefor - Undead Priest


Rabidewok (SG) / Rbd (Tempest) - Orc warrior

Also Looking to track down as many old BH horde players for our classic guild. We have 15+ from vanilla BH horde now.

Hit me up! Rabid#1960


Yuratuhl and Shuruppak, variously of Guild Disbanded, SG, and Knights of the Undercity.

Talk to Rbd, we’re all gonna make it to outer space.


Welcome to the Bleeding Hollow forums!
Before you can be a member of our vast and loving community, we have a couple questions to check your credentials !
You must answer at least twenty (20) of the thirty (30) questions given to us by prominent Bleeding Hollow figures to see if you have the required knowledge to roll with the best.

Good luck!

1)How many legendary weapons did Tehbeast use?
[ ] One (1)
[ ] Two (2)

2)Rate the guild Volition’s ability as a guild on a scale of one (1) to ten (10).

  1. Name Two (2) out of the Four (4) legendary failures which are known as “Bleeding Hollow Rogues”.

4)What Bleeding Hollow guild doesn’t “PVP”?

[ ] Royal Militia
[ ] Group Five
[ ] Nemesis Knights
[ ] Power Word Drunk

  1. Fill in the blank!

[ ] Thelm
[ ] Malice
[ ] Evocation
[ ] Ruin
[ ] Lucinth

  1. The Bleeding Hollow community misses Hexum. True or False?

[ ] True
[ ] False

  1. Unfortunately, the obesity rate is quite high on Bleeding Hollow. Name two (2) of our more prominent “circumference-gifted” regulars!

  2. Bleeding Hollow also is home to many people that tend to “lose their cool” on ventrillo! Name two (2) of these people!


  1. Fill in the blank!

Alaena of BOP deleted ___________.

  1. Why couldn’t Janor make it to the other platform on Thaddius?

[ ] Too fat.
[ ] He made it up there, what are you talking about?
[ ] He was fapping to furries.
[ ] He was afk.
[ ] He passed out at the keyboard.

  1. This term was coined for ex-GM of Zerglings Nedrellous’s anger venting!

[ ] nedrage

  1. Hi, I’m a gnome rogue and i like furry art. Who am I?

  1. Which Alliance warrior was camped at the entrance of Blackwing Lair and by which guild?

Warrior: _____________
Guild: _____________
Warrior’s Guild for extra credit! _____________

  1. Who’s birthday is it today?

[ ] Spacehunter
[ ] Dek
[ ] Trasee
[ ] Teez
[ ] Teffy

  1. What ethnic background is Beepo?

[ ] Asian
[ ] Hispanic
[ ] Pacific Islander
[ ] German
[ ] Black

  1. What was the only guild on our server that downed C’Thun?

[ ] Reverence
[ ] The Prime Meridian
[ ] Serious Business
[ ] Sock Puppets
[ ] Royal Militia

  1. Whats the former Bleeding Hollow guild which is now known to the world as Death Wish?

[ ] Sock Puppets
[ ] Evocation
[ ] Serious Business
[ ] Teen Girl Squad
[ ] Qaeltaga

  1. Fill in the blank!


  1. What’s the proper term for a group of PVPers assembled before the battleground?

[ ] Preform
[ ] Premade
[ ] Raid
[ ] Furries
[ ] Carebears

  1. Who doesn’t exist?

[ ] Mathia
[ ] Azmaria
[ ] Kaizhi
[ ] Mudgruff
[ ] Anarouch

  1. What’s the Alliance - Horde ratio on our server?


  1. Name the horde guild that griefs alliance SSC raids

[ ] Tempest
[ ] I Has a Bucket
[ ] Deadlights
[ ] Sock Puppets

  1. Trasee got permabanned for linking what site?

  1. Who is the president of Bleeding Hollow?

[ ] Teez
[ ] Igy
[ ] Kaizhi
[ ] Eboshi
[ ] Eng

  1. Who has Bloodfang (rogue tier 2) IRL (in real life)?

[ ] Dek
[ ] Beepo
[ ] Kwarty
[ ] Daneothoc
[ ] Wrain

  1. Name one of the original Horde guilds that transferred to Mug’thol.

Name two additional ones for one bonus point!

  1. Fill in the blank!

[ ] Hellaz
[ ] Igy
[ ] Ennkey
[ ] Prinny
[ ] Mayonaise

  1. How many free server transfers did Bleeding Hollow go through?

[ ] one (1)
[ ] two (2)
[ ] three (3)
[ ] four (4)

  1. Name the now legendary Bleeding Hollow resident that was reported for “pot jumping” in the battleground Warsong Gulch?

[ ] Mudgruff
[ ] Mazeltov
[ ] Rabidewok
[ ] Prinny
[ ] Cleave

  1. What Bleeding Hollow rogue has the skill of never being able to finish a sentence?

[ ] Lucinth
[ ] Wrain
[ ] Draacco
[ ] Zend


Fleshkilla - Tauren Warrior, guild: Thralls Guards
Any word on where the old Bleeding Hollow ppl are going to be playing?

Some SDS champs are back and LF old friends

We’re rocking Horde again and are deciding between the EST PVP server.

Someone pick a discord, day/time where we can figure out if we can all realistically make this happen

@Melchia, hello sir…it’s been a awhile

Maxximus#1551 is my btag

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Hey its Uthanakk, I played an orc shaman.

I remember playing with an undead warrior named Tehbeast (who later became Cutesybutton I think), orc warlock named PHQ, undead warrior named Soulless Dragoon, orc warrior named Condor, and a Tauran warrior named Handoverfist.

I can’t remember much else other than I was in the guild Evocation/Ruin/Deathwish. Let me know if you remember me. I’ll be coming back with a few friends and want to roll on the same server as past friends.

Lyllyth/Tirros from Evocation, remember a few names from back then on here.

Looking for a couple of friends from before cata names are: Westlmen & Nytrok or Nytroks great guild leader for Classic content would love to have all ya back.

Nixish and Payge
Eclectic Misfits

Bleeding Hollow mailing list from Vanilla Friends made a poll to pick which server.
linkto. run/p/G2U6FH5L (take out the space duh)

Risendemon - Hunter in Thrall’s Guards
Plucker - Warlock reroll at the start of BC, still Thrall’s Guards
Wyrmhearte - same lock new name, I Has a Bucket (host of the guild meet up in MA) Then Tribunal (i think we had a couple meet-ups, apart of the CT crowd).

Will be playing on Whitemane but would love to reconnect with old pals either way so hmu.

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Man that’s a lot of names I half remember.

Didn’t play much vanilla, but I was a shadow priest Tojarg in BC, a bunch of guilds I’m not even sure I remember them all.

A bit in I has a bucket, I think I hoped over to Tempest and got carried to a KJ kill, a bunch of other guilds for t4-6.

Too much to remember.

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Steinbiz. Troll Mage.
Guilds: Knights of the Shuriken. Reign of Death. Power Word Drunk.


Pyuwrath undead priest from Respec/I has a bucket

Hey! I’m the old GM of Esoteric. Was surprised to see that name in here. Hope you’ve been well! I was an Orc Hunter named Teefey, alt was Tauren Druid named Rollingstone

Orc Hunter named Teefey, ran with a tamed Rak’shiri (frost saber) named Dog. I was in Gankers Inc. Also played as Rollingstone, a Tauren Druid.

Ran Vae Victus with Mane then merged with Cryptic Union during AQ to form Serious Business. Left during the free transfers to Cho’gall.
