Blanket Healing reductions hurt specs disproportionately

With the change made to increase life pools and add dampening all it does is create a larger divide between classes that have mitigation vs classes that rely on self heals. If Blizz is ever comparing survivability between similar specs and that argument devolves into, “Yeah but that spec has good self heals so they don’t need as much mitigation.” then that class is being disproportionately hit by blanket dampening changes or mortal strike effects.

I propose as a fix, give all melee specializations a mortal strike effect somewhere, this would fix a massive lack of comp options and viability for the worse off melee specs, and look at altering the healing that hybrids do vs. pure dps in PvP zones/combat and adjust them independently. If a class has 5 mitigation tools, their healing should be reduced much more than a class with 1-2. EHP is important here as is GCD/talent point/etc. investment to pull off those heals.

Completely unrelated note:
Why the hell does Shaman have 10+ MANDATORY utility talents when some classes don’t even have that many active abilities in the entire talent tree? (Shaman has 24 btw) Give some of those to us as baseline. Why do I need to spec into Hex/Wind shear/Purge/Lava Burst/Spirit Walk/Tremor Totem/Cap Totem/Cleanse/Astral Shift/Frost shock? I get needing to spec for things outside your niche like getting earth shield or thunderstorm as enhance, but cmon now.


maybe if classes couldnt top in 1 global we wouldnt need all these stupid dampening implementations


I wish my shaman could do it in a single global.

Psssssh I wish I could do it in under 10… Shaman on living on that self heal strugglebus.

Them taking away staple baseline abilities and locking them behind talent tree actually makes me want to vomit.

And they didn’t do this to this much of an extreme except for the shaman tree

I don’t even get to pick cool or interesting talents because I have to waste the VAST majority of my points pathing to mandatory core abilities that just got ripped away. It’s a feelsbad and after looking through all the talent trees only Shamans are hit by it. Hell we still have to waste honor talents on grounding totem.