Bump for recruits
bump for healer
bump for solid players
Bumping for dps
Looking for a UH DK
bump to the top
Just jumping back into the game after a break from BFA. Previous experience is CE on Xavius, Gul’dan, G’huun, and Jaina. My last guild broke up and many of the players transferred servers. I’m a bit undergeared but play my class well (MM Hunter).
Bump for DK dps
This is a bump for a DK
1 dps pumper plz
Bump to da top
looking for that dk
bumping for a silky smooth DK
DK mage or lock
Bumping for bump sake
6/10M looking for backup players
Bump looking for ww monk for raid spot
LF WW monk for raid spot (Bump)
LF WW monk for raid spot (Bump)
Bump for a WW monk