<Blackwater> 1 day Mythic Push Team LFM (Thursday 10pm-1am EST)

Bump for warrior

Bump for more

LFM for the team and stuff

A buddy and my self are LF a guild to raid with in 9.2.
I have a shaman, can play any spec. also have a monk/priest alt if wanted/needed
my buddy can do havoc dh or ww monk.

heres my logs from last tier - https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/malganis/raaidenn

heres my buddies -

Welcome to the jungle

LF a good mage to add

LF mage and Warrior. lets go

Bump for a mage

bump for some serious dps

Bump for some solid new players

LFM exceptional players

LF tank for main spot

Always looking to add quality players to roster

LF Paladin/Priest heals and War/enhance shaman DPS

Ranged DPS good

LFM heals and dps

LF HEAL AND DPS for raid team

Need a tank and healer

Looking for Tank and heals

Look for tank and healer