Hmm. I think I recall your name, it’s tough. I used to hang out with a good number of hunters back in the day, most I recall being fem NE. Not sure but maybe you’ll remember me.
Character: Melaned - Night Elf Hunter.
Guild: Never anything specific really if anything.
WPVPed and messed around loads. Was a BM Hunter pvper.
Character: Sabeled - Fem Night Elf Druid(Didn’t get serious on her till BC tho)
Guild: Same as Mel.
To be honest tempted to go horde side see if any of them remember me on this char, was a terror to horde on her during BC/WLK.
Character: Colmannid - Male Dwarf Paladin.
Guild: Same.
Not much but regular play and dwarf stuff!
Goal: Just checking things out. I plan to make an all-hunter WPVP/RP Guild on Grob. But also lvl and mess with my Druid and Paladin as well.
Namara - Eternal Requiem - Resto Shaman
if you guys are playing classic add me up Kvx#1356
Do you know if the leader from La Cosa Nostra still plays Lockon was the name right
Skwai (Six Pack) here. I’ll be rolling a horde warrior I think.
Hey!! I was in FC for a while when they first started MC doing combo raids too!
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Already got my names saved moit
Lockator is his name im sure - warlock
Swell. Gnome Warlock
Soga Mijizi
yeah thats its Lockator - Warlock does he still play do you know?
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Derius - Paladin
Prodigy, Hitsquad
Derithas - Hunter
Senor beor, on which server are you playing on, whitemane with panda?
add me up nax#1532
Hey Demo! Yeah prob gonna be on Whitemane just sent invite
Angx (Six Pack) hunter started on launch of vanilla wow and played right through till end on vanilla.
Will be rolling on arugal PVP hit me up angx#1969
Unsure, Mooskii plays sometimes thou
Character: Turock, NE Warrior
Guilds: Veritas Aequitas, Libertas Integritas
Szahala Nightelf Druid
Eternal Requiem / Six Pack
Anyone from these guilds!!!
jah/bolbot <3