I was initially Strikah (ret pally) until i realised they were crap in a raid group, so i made Dumbstruck (resto druid) from BWL release until the end of Naxx.
Was in TDM (The Dark Ministry).
I was also in another guild which the name escapes me, Xinhuan the mage was in it as well (Omen creator).
Character: Gouki, Night Elf Rogue
Guild: BeggarS
Hoping to reconnect with anyone from the old guild. I’m rolling Horde on Arugal PvP for Classic.
Hey Quannas, we ran alot of Scarlet Monestary together and then did a ton of BGs for years!
Human Warlock
Depth / TDM / Fallen Chapter
Vladimirr - Night Elf Druid
Guilds - Shadow Minions, Veritas Aequitas, VA, Libertas Integritas, LI, Redundancy, Beggars
Any of my old school Raid brothers & sisters, Prodigy guildies and my PVP family from the rank 14 grinds! (some of you i still play retail with but alot of you are MIA!!)
We gonna do this in classic or what!!
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Stormcloak - Gnome Mage, Haveaseatson - Human Rogue
Guilds - Fantastic Fruit Basket and Blackrock Down
Would be cool to reconnect with some guildies from way back. Fun times.
I remember a few of my guildmates from Redefined, Rezguise (One of the guild leaders, pretty good dude.), Iceman (My mage mentor when I was new to endgame wow), Yoriko (One of the friendlier members from what I remember.), Flipmode (My poor paladin buddy.)
I also interacted with many others from other guilds and the guildless. Of course I remember interactions that myself and the whole server had with Eminence.
Hi Panda, good to see ya again, hope you’re doing well.
Raided on BR through AQ but I believe I stopped playing on BR before Nax.
I remember my guildmates and I chased a lowlife off of alliance because he was harassing one of our own in real life. I think his name was like Teddy, or that was part of his character name.
- I plan on playing on PVP Pacific, not sure which server yet. Avoiding the main streamer server like the plague. I will be playing horde this time, might as well try playing Vanilla/Classic in a way that I didn’t last time.
- If anyone recognizes me feel free to add me on Bnet and say hi! JaciusCeed #1767
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Character: Altherius, Human Mage
Guild: HitSquad
Anyone from Blackrock!
Character: Demonio
Guilds: Eminence, Huang long
hey emi people
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Character: Flamedike 29 Warlock
Guilds: Underbelly, Fidds Masquerade
Looking for old school 29 twinker’s. JTimberlake are you out there?!
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Character: Skyeclad 60 Night Elf Hunter
Guild: Sacred Kings
Doubt anyone remembers me, but I remember a NE rogue named Nevatierra that pretty much taught me the game, and a NE warrior that I can’t remember the name off. I remember our epic fights at Light’s Hope Chapel. Raiding MC, BWL, AQ20, and ZG.
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Character: Ishapanda NE druid
Guild: HitSquad
For short time… and Gnome Mage Kantimas as well. Many guilds… yowudup.
As a launch player, this is like meeting a celebrity. For years and years i have gone back to eminecewowcom just to reminisce, until the site finally went down. Its really cool to see you again dude.
Character - razorelf NE warrior
Guild - Southern Cross, Eleventh Hour, Elementium
Hello old friends! Don’t forget Blackrock is full GTFO ! And to put down your level 1 alts down also on the Argent Dawn post
I am CERTAIN I used to twink a 29 Priest named… Kitaji?.. in Underbelly… I also had a 29 Druid I would flag run or pocket heals… Slinki maybe her name was? I remember JTimberlake, he was a twink Hunter right? 29 Twinking was SO FUN.
Level 1 GNOME alts for when Blackrock was DOWN
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Those level 1’s also were on Argent Dawn
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those days…
farming the mount in Stratholme with Stuo, Sneakyshark and that stoner rogue (i wanna say Deal)
Haven’t seen Wrath for a while he seems to pop up on a semi regular basis
You gonna come back and do the sneaky double box MC again? haha
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._. so many people still alive