Sirandias, hunter, Bushido samurai, six pack, elementium.
Also syade, cyranar, syran, syrandias
Sirandias, hunter, Bushido samurai, six pack, elementium.
Also syade, cyranar, syran, syrandias
Characters: Human paladin named Carlex, human mage named Keroy.
Guild: with a guild leader (Human paladin) named Troubldsoul. My sister’s character was a rogue named Wayue. We raided MC and the first boss of BWL mostly.
People I’m looking for: Delon (human warrior), paladin from No MaaM with a gnome warlock alt named Omnipotence, his little brother used to play with us too. Hit me up if you remember the good old days!
Guild - Soga Mijizi
Character - Beau the Nightelf druid
Yo! Beor blackrock pally
Character: Rhen Human Warrior
Guilds: BeggarS, Six Pack
Character : lindon gnome mage
guild : Soga Mijizi
Character : Greendove - Hunter
guild : Bloodlust, La Costa Nostra, No MAAM, Fallen Chapter, Eminence, Nemesis
Character: Ragnor
Guild: No MAAM
Human Priest
Did WSG with Morpheus and a druid named Swifty, not the famous one I don’t
Raided with the Dark Ministry and did a crap load of pvp. I would be interested in finding anyone from that time, but also Madsniper who was a horde druid that we played in WSG all the time
Toons: Maxshadow- NE Priest, Razr- Gnome Rogue, Diezel- Human Warrior, and cant recall other names.
Guilds: Inquisition, Convicted, and I know there was a couple other names that I can not remember now.
Reconnect Names: Bug, Mindy, and the other names I wish I could remember, but I don’t now. We all use to sit on Teamspeak each day. Would be cool to say hello to anyone that remembers any of my toons. Sorry my memory sucks trying to recall peoples names.
Started on Blackrock day 1 that wow went live and played through when Naxx was released. I remember doing some naxx content on a warlock I had, but what guild I was in or the name of that toon I cant recall now.
Character: Laquisha NE Hunter
Guild: HitSquad
Character: Cartmer - Night Elf Rogue
Guild: Restricted Eighteen
I remember all the old school guilds like Hit Squad, No MAAM, Eminence
Also had
Gnome Warlock
Paranoid - Warlock
Restricted Eighteen, Eminence II, Hitsquad, Eminence
Keen to connect with anyone but I’d really like to say hi to my old Warlock friend Litterq if he’s around!
Hi Panda, Beor, Blitzz and Laquisha!
Arity- Human priest
Eternal Requiem
Was a staple in Karluo’s AB PvP team for a long time.
Kaelian - Night Elf Hunter
Unsure of the guild name but was in a couple over the course of Vanilla.
Raided MC, ZG and AQ.
Asteria - Human Female Warrior
Aluramoon - NE Female Rogue
Looking for old school blackrock trolls and Argent Dawn raids.
Kamone - Human Female Mage
Was in Fallen Chapter, Prodigy and Eleventh Hour mainly
Impulser - Human Male Warlock
Guild: Elementium
Who was the GM of the Bloodlust guild you were in?
whats cracking yo!